βœ…Fight Club: Questing and the Art of Discipline

βœ… Know Thy Self: Understanding the Way of Peace

Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

During high school, I joined a Tae Kwon Do studios in Los Angeles. The owner of the studio was famous and was even in some Hollywood films.

Basically, I was eager to go to learn new skill on how to fight, and they put on a brown belt because I was already practiced Okinawan karate, so they were impressed. I came to kill!

However, after a month, I was very bored, totally disappointed, and so confused. Therefore, I quit suddenly, for I was no longer impressed. I could easily defeat all his black belts, so I thought what was the point. They were shocked.

Yes, they were amazing kickers, but in Tae Kwon Do, you are not allowed to punch to the face when you fight. Yes, you heard right. So many of them put their hands down when they kicked. WRONG! I will defeat you in a real fight.

One of my favorite kicks was French Savate kick and a hook kick that confused them. I learned them from watching Bruce Lee films. These kicks have strange angles and can be completed faster. I think most martial artist miss them. I perfected it testing it in real fights. It works!

However, the main reason I quit was that no one at the studio knew how to punch. My boxing background, meant that I kept my hand up high and could block their kicks and move in and hit them hard. A kill hit.

Then I decided to just train on my own, and I started my own fight club. We would fight hard, but with protective gear. We just warmed up and started to fight. When no one was around, I would kick trees and punch brick walls.

I had real power, that I developed from street fighting. I practice ways to inflict the largest amount of pain, not self-defense.

What I learned in the fight club improved my savage abilities. I was never knocked down in a real fight. Because I could take any powerful blow. I might be dizzy, I might be bleeding, but I never gave up. What I really knew about fighting, I never shared. To this day, I still do not tell share my secrets because I train to kill not self defense.

Then something strange happened. Guess who appeared at my house and wanted to join my fight club? Some of the Tae Kwon Do black belts came. I told them punching to the face is allowed. If someone wants to stop, respect that. I never was a bully, for I fought at the level of pain of my opponents. We often fought with no gloves.


remains a journey, a question with a beat inside a beat and a counter inside a counter. We entered the unexpected quest of questions, for we fought for fun. Be careful you might just learn something.

The way of the warrior is found peacefully in mindful compassion. Never start trouble. However, always be ready for a misfit of mayhem.

βœ…Peace Out! Thank you!



πŸš€ πŸš€ Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations βœ…πŸΏ
Warriors Learning to Learn

πŸš€ βœ… AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit βœ… 🍿Are you going to eat that? βœ… I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut βœ