>✅Mind Movies of Equality and Human Rights>

✅To Stir with Love and Add More Kisses ✅

How to be more loving. . .


It starts with mindfulness. . .

dogone. . . Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Stay about 30 seconds. . . .

✅ Samurai Sam. . . AKA Dr. Wayne Stein AKA >Doc Samurai Sam,

All my life, I stood up for everyone’s rights.

Being part Asian and part Latino, I have experienced cultural road blocks again and again.

In grade school, I hunted down bullies and would accidentally knock them down before they started to hit someone.

I acted like a clown and would fall myself after they got back up, and they laughed as I said sorry.

However, injustice is no laughing matter.

At my university, my department was racist, so I hated to work there.

When I complained. an outside team came to investigate. Guess what happened?

Nothing. Instead, I found myself the target of the investigation.

Two professors resigned since they couldn’t stand the pettiness. Even a Yale graduate and a Stanford graduate with PhD teaching there hated it!

I taught popular online cinema courses in my university: Bruce Lee Cinema, Jackie Chan Cinema, and Ninja Cinema.

So when I asked if I could move to Florida and start to make films while teaching online, they said no.

Our faculty handbook stated that you can have online office hours.

I could have moved to Florida and made films but. . . I just focused on helping my students, whom I love.

In my state where it is illegal to teach Critical Race Theory.

Guess what? I started to teach it.

✅The Golden Samurai Sam Rules

A new Golden Samurai Sam Rule was put in place. These are rules that the university created against me!

All of the sudden, a grand meeting was held. People from Admin and from other colleges, and my department were at the meeting. I thought it was going to be good news.

Instead, the latest Golden Samurai Sam Rule was created, “Thou Shall NOT have office hours online if thou teaches all online. Thou must have office hours in thou office.”

My chair did not support me, and later, in what became known as Saturday Night Massacre, he and others resigned. My Yale graduate friend became chair and I became assistant chair

Donate to help with Medical Bills> > > Action Coffee> > I went to the ER coughing blood . . .

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

I gave up my dream. However, I am retired now. My friend in Florida wants me to visit her soon, so we can start and create a Proof of Concept short to raise more funds to create a full movie.

Thank you! Clap 50 times and comment!

✅Subscribe to my Ninja Warrior YouTube Channel.

✅✅I talk about cancer, mindfulness, and health.

✅ Source:



🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅