DR. WAYNE STEIN > > Bodhisattvas: The Vow of Liberation

✅ 🍿Jizo, the Child Smiling Saint of Joy and Happiness: Samurai Songs of Laughter ✅ 🍿

Can you become a child again?


It starts with love

108 people have clapped. . . Thank you!

Stay about 7 years or 30 seconds, more is better, slap me 50 times, I mean clap for 500 times or more, drink 8 glasses of marijuana green tea or root beer or water a day and highlight everything including your teeth, . .

. .. comment the Blues away: Thank you and act jolly because your Teslas and check for 1,000,000.00 is coming. . . LOL

Follow and Support Paolo> >

Looks like me as a kid, but I was much, much fatter.> > Photo by Reynardo Etenia Wongso on Unsplash

✅ 🍿 Chanting for Love: Growing up Japanese✅ 🍿

In Buddhism, when a samurai is in trouble, one can call on a Bodhisattva to help, and Samurai often find themselves in trouble a lot, and this similar to praying saints in Catholicism, and I grew up in Japan,

though I am not Japanese because I was illegal in America. . . . I will explain at the end how my father committed a crime by marrying my mother.

✅ 🍿 Jizo a boy saint, holding a boy in a parl> > Google Image✅ 🍿

Bodhisattvas or Saints have become quite popular to the people of Japan even if they never go to temples, so a bodhisattva is a being who will not reach nirvana until all humans have reached nirvana.

They vow to sacrifice their own freedom for the liberation of others, and often ghosts or supernatural beings are lost entities needing help.

✅ 🍿“Lone Wolf and Cub”: The Most Famous Samurai Series ✅ 🍿

In the the Lone Wolf and Cub series, this protector, Jizo, becomes important and when you are in Japan, you see him everywhere in every park.

I grew up loving Jizo, and when I return to visit Japan, seeing him brings back memories of my childhood in Japan.

✅ 🍿Ksitigarbha or Jizo✅ 🍿

The protector of children is a Buddhist bodhisattva child himself, a figure of importance who tries to save demons in hell.

Keep in mind Hell is less a place and more a state of mind, so evil is not so much wrong, but misguided state of being.

✅ 🍿Everything is impermanent: Even God-hood!✅ 🍿

Unlike other religions, Hell is not permanent, gods can fall into hell and demons can become gods.

Hell has different states of being, the Hungry Ghost state is worse than Hell, I mean

Who wants to be eaten by ghosts ? LOL

Or are these ghosts just hungry? Feed them. . . .

Your soul !. . . . soul food, yummy, yummy, yummy. LOL

✅ 🍿Samurai Warriors Koans of Jizo✅ 🍿

Google Image

In one film, the samurai Koresada entered the main hall at Kenchô-ji and prayed to the Jizo of a Thousand Forms there, Then he asked the monk in charge of the hall, “Of these thousand forms of Jizo, which is the very first Jizo?”

The monk said, “In the mind of the man before me are thousand thoughts and ten thousand fantasies. Which of these is the very first?”

✅ 🍿The samurai was silent.✅ 🍿

The monk then said, “Of the thousand forms of Jizo, the very first Jizo is the Buddha-lord who is always using those thousand forms.”

✅ 🍿Jizo Party : Google Image

The warrior asked, “Who is this Buddha-lord?” The monk suddenly caught him and twisted his nose. The samurai’s mind immediately opened.

Testing question: “Which is the very first Jizo out of the ten thousand forms of Jizo?”

✅ 🍿Thank you for reading this. . . ✅ 🍿

I taught the Films of Kurosawa and Samurai Cinema for 30 years, I practice Kendo and Katori Shinto Ryu, Samurai Styles.

A samurai returns to his original mind or baby zen mind, not mad monkey mind. . .

I was supposed to visit Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, but I am broke because of cancer, and I was invited to a temple for mindful meditation for free.

✅ 🍿The Kendo Championship is in Italy✅ 🍿

I grew up in Korea, Japan and Italy because in America, it was illegal for a White Man, my dad, to marry someone of color, my mom.

So in 1967, the Supreme Court said that was unconstitutional.

ZEN PARTY, all Monkey Mind fools Welcome. . .DANCE. .

✅ 🍿We grabbed our swords and moved to America . . .

Blessings to everyone. . . I want to go to Korea!

Clap now 500 times!

✅ 🍿JIZO ME SEND A CHECK, Samurai Sam is down . . .

Blessings to everyone. . .I want to go to Japan!

Clap now 500 times! Thank you Dad, my Hero

✅ 🍿JIZO ME SEND A CHECK, Samurai Sam is down . . .

Blessings to everyone. . . I want to go to Italy.

Clap now 500 times! Thanks Dad, you fought the system!

✅ 🍿Tell Jizo, my baby saint, and me what you thought?

Blessings to everyone. . . I want to go eat pizza sushi. . . . .

Clap now 500 times! Aigato Dad, we won!

✅ 🍿Strange Jizo Music: I LOVE THIS: Listen to it all LOL>

✅ 🍿Jizo, . . . .Stealing Pizza Sushi > > > Youtude





🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅