✅ Life Lessons: The Eight Powers of Hachiriki, Kenjiro Kawanabe’s Mastery of Self


Part 1: The Path of Pranayama, Yogic Breathing

>Moving Meditation: Meta-Powers

About 20 years ago, I visited Japan to train with the grandmaster, Kenjiro Kawanabe Sensei. I never met him. Instead, I came upon his videos on Youtube, and I was spellbound. I never saw anyone move that way, so I contacted him, and he welcomed me.

““Hachiriki” . . . 8 directions . . [where] spirit (breath), waist (body) and fist (ken-touching point) can be matched. . . . [as] 4 pairs of Gods displayed their power for the completion of the earth in the early days of creation. Human beings are said to be a miniature of the universe. . . . to develop the creation inside of ourselves.” — -Kenjiro Kawanabe

Kawanabe would not allow the full mastery of his movements to be filmed. When I visited his dojo in Tokyo, I was happy that I came to see what no one else outside of Japan has ever seen.

Hachiriki, the eight powers are simply the 4 directions and their combinations: North, South, East, and West with North-East, South-East, North-West and South-West. Also these are connected to the five elements of energy: Godai (五大) which are the five elements in of water (sui), fire (ka), earth (chi), wind (fu), and void (ku).

Something that appears harmless can become dangerous. A cool breeze can be wonderful, but a powerful winds of a tornado or a hurricane becomes deadly. A very tiny bullet seems harmeless, but it can kill a person because of its velocity. You do not need muscles, you do not need weight, you do not need power. Instead, a mere human can be transformed into a dragon and fly high into the sky. This is the magical power of hachirik: from nothingness, everything is possible.

In the void of emptiness is the potention of everythingness. from the yin to yang is reborn a powerful dynamics, where death transform into life, and where failure mutates into mastery. The weaken dreams of impossibilities emerges into he potential possibilities of positivity. How powerful!

Don’t worry, for this too will pass. Smile and know you are invincible.

Thank you!

Photo by Anh Tuan To on Unsplash

Furthermore, his system of personal meta-evolution or hachiriki was introduced as the mystical bonding between two soul samurai warriors in the ongoing “Sparring” Saga with my friend, “Love.” See below:

“The Interconnective Souls of Two Bushido Warriors


Hachiriki is an old system, and styles like Aikido also practice it. However, much of it is lost but has been rediscovered by masters like Kawanabe who told me when I met him: “After fifty years, I finally learned how to punch.” He found ways to improve his movements with the use of iron Tessen or metal fan, that many samurai used, for it duplicates the cuts of the sword. He gave me one. Kawanabe was happy I came to him because he sensed I understood what he was trying to teach. Until he died, he would message me weekly to see how I was improving.

Part 2 coming

✅Help Is Needed! I am struggling. . .

Please donate to my Patreon Platform. I have a lot of cancer bills, and I am on disabilities. Bless me and you will be blessed! That is what I was taught from my mother. Keep in touch. Read my articles, and I will read your works.

✅I even mention him in my Ted Talk.

Sadly, Kawanabe passed away. I am currently working on a series of books with Master Elijio Curiel, his best student.

I explore the mystical elements of the martial arts on my Youtube Channel. Subscribe to mine, and I will subscribe to yours, Let me know. Give me a couple of days,




🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅