✅Life Stories: Believing in Angels and Miracles at MD Anderson Cancer Center


✅>Angels From Heaven Are Looking Over Me>

Angels in sunset

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Ms. Angela, not her real name, is my social worker at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. To me, she is an angel from heaven. I have to return for about a week doing extensive medical tests every six months. She made sure all my expenses were paid, and she reached out to other angels for help. Angel Flight, volunteer pilots, flew me personally from Oklahoma to Houston, no charge. One of the Angels, a former air force pilot, even used his own plane. Then the Houston Ground Angels picked me up from the airport and drove me to my hotel, no charge.

I was instructed to carry only two smaller bags because of limited space in the smaller plane. A special grant paid for my hotel, so that is also free, no charge.

Now many hotels often don’t feed you breakfast. I usually steal bananas and bread to eat later as my lunch and dinners. Therefore, I brought some bananas and energy bars to help. I never go out to restaurants to eat, too expenisve. I went to a grocery store across the street to buy cheap foods like beans. I usually bring extra cash to buy food.

When I went to pay, my debit card had a near zero balance. I used to have a credit card, but it expired because I was in the hospital for about 2 years. When I called to have in reinstated, they denied me. I asked why. They said, because I no longer make enough money and had too many bills. I am not allowed to work work extra because of my disabilities.

I thought I had enough in my bank. Instead, my bank account only had $4.00. I was 20 dollars short to pay which will last the week. Then the person behind me who just came in for chips, heard my story that I had no cash. I was embarrassed. Angelically, she used her credit card and bought my food, so I bowed to another angel and said blessings to her.

As I was walking back to my hotel, I stopped in the rain, and began to cry and was thankful too. I survived cancer twice and now depend on the generosity of angels and also depend on the kindness of strangers, who double as angels of compassion.

Blessings to the Angels who help the poor.

Help Hope Live Donate below what you can.

All the proceeds go directly to me. I am struggling and receive a disabilities check due to my medical conditions which are one of the reasons I need your help. Any thing will help. I go to the food banks, and I am alone. My medication, medical bills, eye doctor, skin doctor, and dental bills are high, and I have insurance. Only in America. Thank you! AKA Dr. Wayne Stein

Thank you!

Please donate what you can to my gofund me site below. I need use it now to buy food and I still am paying my hospital bills. I go to food panties because I cannot afford to buy groceries. Lisa, another angel, one of my former students, just donated. Blessings to all my angels of love. We are made of love, light, and the kindness of strangers. Blessings! Blessings! Blessings!

BELOW: Give what you can to my gofund me site.

Angels Sources

Photo by Utku Özen | @theutkuozen on Unsplash



🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅