βœ…Life Stories: Magical Bridges and the Gamification of Global Connectivity

Photo by Cai Fang on Unsplash

βœ…>Art of Vacationing by Mind Maps to a New World>

By reading, we become magicians who visit new world and who aspire to new visions at a low cost. Growing up poor, I became addicted to traveling to distance golden palaces, beautiful beaches, and fantasy resorts by simply opening a book. Today no one reads, but actually this is old. If someone posts a 100 minute reading here, I am sure no one will actually read it to the end. Therefore, poems are popular here because they are short. I taught literature for over 30 years, and I found this to be true. Cliff notes ruled. So I hunted for works that were NOT in cliff notes or wikipedia. Finally, instead of reading, I had my students write. They would write manifestos, confessions, or critical creative narratives. I became popular.

However, I tricked them: Writing is a form of reading!

One has to revise or re-read what one has written, and one must revise the opening parts and the closing sections the most. The opening hooks them in and makes readers want to read it. The closing also punctuate the tale, especially if one surprises them. Then they will want to read more of your readings. Finally, one also needs to revise the inner content and create seamless flow. Then writing is rewriting just as reading is re-reading. Writing becomes a form of active and creative reading. Writing become the art of gamification. All games have hooks and ways to make you addicted to the flow.

βœ…Mindful Gamified Afterword: Rethinking

I require that they go back and reread an influential author. If I taught a science fiction literature course, they would have to create their own dystopian narratives. The Afterword has to show an influence. Students must explain to me who impacted them and why they created the narrative they did. Basically, this is like having a written test, so I never gave tests in my classes. I was so loved.

βœ…What they learned to do is read. Suckers! ! ! !

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

βœ…Thank you!

Please buy me some coffee, I need to wake up. Blessings! Power to your Caffeine!



πŸš€ πŸš€ Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations βœ…πŸΏ
Warriors Learning to Learn

πŸš€ βœ… AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit βœ… 🍿Are you going to eat that? βœ… I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut βœ