Health Lessons: Ninja Walking, The Art of Breathing

Life Lessons of the Namba Revolution

>Dr. Wayne Stein > Doc “Ninja” Nirvana Samurai Sam>

I practice samurai arts like Kendo, Japanese fencing. I had the opportunity to see real ninjas perform. I invited them, and they came to our university, from Japan.

Shinobi Warriors of the Shadow Swords Unite!

They were the authentic representation of their bujutsu or traditional martial arts. They came because they knew I grew up in Japan and practice similar arts. Respect creates respect.

Photo by Roméo A. on Unsplash

No, they didn’t wear black. Those cinematic costumes are not how ninjas ever looked.

Instead, their art resembled ancient kung fu styles, so circular and so soft, possessing inner ki or energy. I am sure some of them in times past were sailors and traveled to China to trade and learn the ancient arts.

Walk This Way!

In the 19th Century, American sailors landed on Japan and the people couldn’t stop laughing. Why? Because they thought the way the way the sailors moved was unusual.

These Westerners dressed in different ways than Japanese, talked in a different language, and even walked in a strange manner.

In Japan, the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu Ōmikam, created the world. So when they talked to these sailors, such Westerners made no sense!

Photo by Lucas Calloch on Unsplash

A key aspect for Japanese is respect, honor, and more respect.

Respect each other!
Honor each other!
Respect one another!

How did Japanese once walk? See in Japan, they move a totally different way. It is called Namba walking.

You don’t move your arms, they stay by your legs. It is actually more efficient and has better stability and balance.

However, the Ninja improved Namba. Keep in mind, Japan had no horses, and it is made of many mountains.

When they moved forward, the ninjas would fall into the walk. The samurai could never catch the ninjas.

Please, keep in mind that the thinness of the air in the mountains. It is harder to breathe the higher you go. Be careful!

When a ninja runs, they laugh inside at the slow samurai! Watch this video below.

Indeed, it wasn’t their ability to be invincible, indestructible, or invisible. Instead, it was their ability to run away and vanish right in front of the eyes of their antagonists.

Some Japanese marathon and Olympic runners also used Ninja rhythmic, for it worked. Ancient traditions can evolve into modern traditions.

Secret Ninjitsu Rhythmic Running Breathing: 1–2–1–1–2-1

Don’t over do it. Caution, for you must slowly progress. I don’t want you to get dizzy or injured. Be careful.


Inhale >
Exhale > Exhale >
Inhale >
Exhale >
Inhale > Inhale >


Practice More to Learn More

I have tried this type of breathing. It works, but is very hard to learn. Try it. One can also do it without movement as a form of meditation. Just sit there breathe and count: 1–2–1–1–2–1!

Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash

Thank you! Clap, comment, and read more.

Domo arigato Mr. Robato > どうもありがとう!

In Japan, there as been a movement in recent years to re-teach the elderly Namba walking. Because Japan followed the way of the West.

I am a mixed, part Japanese and part Western. I study both cultures!

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I am a Ted Talk Speaker on Cancer Survival and Bruce Lee.

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🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅