Life Stories: Dragon Force X: The Hidden Treasures from the Deep

Motivation: Learning to Write by Playing Games

A dream . . . >

Dragon Power> Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

A nightmare . . . >

I am working on an RPG, β€œDragon Force X” now. I love collaboration if you want, let me know. It is my second RPG. We can work together. A national publishers is waiting. I have an artist who is ready too. This can be a future movie, and or podcast. I am creating a production company here: Doc Nirvana Productions. My web site is coming, and I am creating an LLC. I have multiple companies. I am learning to create video games, I was a programmer originally. Join me.

Being a gamer, I write Role Playing Games (RPG’s) and my latest Dragon Force X is coming this fall from a publisher. Teaching for over 30 years, I found that the art of gamification becomes the only way to teach students who hate to learn or dislick education.

Many of them become my friends for life and send me gifts all the time, showing their love of learning and trusting. . . . Forgive me, . . . having chemo mind, I have forgotten how to write in English, I think in Korean, read in Spanish (have a degree in it), love Japanese culture, and curse in Italian because I grew up in these places.

Ironically, I have a PhD in English and publish in it. Go to my Amazon site. Yet here I am painfully writing about painful memories I cannot let go. This is the tale of the greatest gamemaster I ever knew, my mother. . . Whatever you do, find your passion, she told me.

Read more. . . Thank you!

Subscribe to my Youtube Channel. I love babies, even babies duck. I called the police to save some. I have done it more than once. They always come.

One time it went viral and was report on Fox News. LOL. Slow news night.



πŸš€ πŸš€ Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations βœ…πŸΏ
Warriors Learning to Learn

πŸš€ βœ… AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit βœ… 🍿Are you going to eat that? βœ… I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut βœ