✅The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Asian Horror Cinema > Part 1


✅>Dr. Wayne Stein : AKA Doc “Trick or Treat” Samurai Sam>

Feminism: “Painted Skin” (2008) >“Chi Sucker”

The most remade Chinese horror film of all time is based on the short story of the same name from the collection of Strange Tales or Liaozhai (聊齋) written in the 17th and 18th century.

These were collected supernatural tales from the oral tradition. Ask most Asians if they have their own ghost stories! They will usually answer with yes. Indeed, being part Asian, I grew up seeing undead beings all my life.

Furthermore, so did my mother, and so did my sister. Indeed, we shared ghost tales and told about our dreams. Dreams are not imagined fantasies in Asian culture. Instead, they become an extension of our reality.

Drawing pictures and creating water colors, I found creative expressions of my undead friends who visited me, mostly lost Asian girls. I performed exorcisms to release them from their liminal states of transitions between death and rebirth. I cry with them, sing to them and hug them.

I still perform these today to help them awaken into a new life of peace, purity, and plenty. To be reborn again! They are more than ghosts, for they are an extension of my spirit and myself. We are each other and one another. Nothing is a coincidence.

Donnie Yen in this kung fu horror classic!
Donnie Yes in “Painted Skin”

Often these cinematic horror stories have kung fu action sequences within them. Everything is kung fu (功夫), meaning it takes time to train and improve. Indeed, everyone practices kung fu!

This cinematic narrative is about Hulu Jing or fox spirits, who function like Psychic-Vampires, who love to “suck your chi” out of your instead of sucking blood.

Asian Feminism: Revenge of the Kung Fu Vampire Women

It is no mistake that women are usually these fox spirits because they have been abused by men. However, if you love your woman and treat her right, she will love you back even if she is a “Chi Sucking” undead ghost.

An Asian recipe for love is all about honor: respect creates respect!

White faced “Chi Sucking “ Vampire
“Painted Skin” > > A “Chi Sucking” Vampire

Watch Painted Skin today and enter the world of the strange!

Thank you! Clap, comment and highlight.

Part 2 is coming!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel as I fight the “Chi Suckers”!



🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅