✅Poem: Magickal Rhetogoria of Oracality, Opera of the Phantasy


✅How can I learn to write better?

It starts with love. . . and the secret praxis of esoterica?

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

✅Poem: The Sacred Sword of the Magick Eraser

deleting and starting again,
becoming frustrated, not wanting
boring us to death, with thou simpleton word choices,

feeling thy tortuous hottest flames of devil’s hell,
smelling thy golden sunflowers rays of heaven
perceiving thy sparking twinkling smile of thy savior angel
saving thy worthless apprenticed youthful spirit and

remembering thy sacred divinity
touching of thy grandest virgin goddess of mercy,
remembering thy divine mother, hugging, kissing, and
protecting thou, giving birth to thou,

a magician of mystical vision,
a seer of artist unseen expressions,
a revolutionary visionary prophet

walking on water,
flying to into the sun,
walking on thy moon, and
fighting fire breathing dragon
aliens from the distant Planet X.

It starts with love. . .

✅Thank you for reading this.

I am going to start a master class on improving writing soon. Message me if you are interested. Blessings to you

✅“Kotodama” and the Grand Palace of Phantasy!

Spending my lifetime meeting shamans,
healers, gurus, magicians, and masters from different cultures,
remembering what most have forgotten. Was I?

thou lover, thou parent, thou friend or thou foe in thou past life? Sadly, mother earth died a long time ago. Instead,

demons, vampires, and zombies now
ruling this phantasmagoria of dystopia.
Raising thou fist upwards! higher and higher,
needing heroes not zeroes.

Kotodama or word warriors
being magical mantras,
giving spellbinding sutras, or
chanting mindful poems and
shouting out mystical divine prayers.

Time to be reborn as a master magician seer or
artistic angelic writer of any genre.

sharing thou hearts, hoping for thou dreams
desiring thou mastery of thy artful skills,

being director of thy writing program and thy writing centers
having already signed a book contract with a national publisher,
requiring that I teach a master class and

having thou enroll!

✅Mirror Mirror on the Wall: The Lost Art of Critical Creativity

Shhhhhh. The real text book remains your writings and the real instructor will become you. Ironically, there is nothing to learn, only to unlearn. I will teach you how to deconstruct, delete, burn out, and destroy your rhetorical foundations, so we will rebuild, recreate, and reconstruct a new home. Mi casa es su casa. My house of rhetoric is your house of rhetoric.

Message me in the comment section if you are interested. The class will open soon. Are you ready?

Before my cancer, I was working with some of the greatest scholars of the history of international rhetoric from such places as Oxford, Harvard and Yale to rewrite the history of writing, where women, people of color, and the indigenous people’s voices will finally be heard by creating a new free site full of translated works that are still secret, hidden, and unknown. For over 50 years, I have dreamt that the voices of the people will be finally heard.

Now is the time!

Dr. Wayne Stein, AKA Doc Samurai Sam Donate to my Blood Cancer Fund>

✅Raise thy fist! The revolution will be live!

Photo by Kiana Bosman on Unsplash

✅Enter thy Grand Palace of Phantasy!

Photo by Allyssa Sayers on Unsplash




🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅