Executive Role Descriptions

Maneh Seiranian
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018

Design Lead

You will be responsible for designing branding materials such as Facebook event banners, flyers and general documents that will be used internally and externally by the other departments such as Marketing and Partnerships.

Skills and requirements:

  1. Good time management
  2. Ability to accept criticism and feedback
  3. Experience in Adobe InDesign and illustrator (for creating templates)
  4. Photography skills (desirable)
  5. Team-working skills

*In addition to your CV and personal statement, it is desirable that you also attach one of your digital works/portfolios

Marketing Lead

You will be responsible for ensuring all WarwickTECH events are effectively promoted, while making sure that our community of hackers and tech-enthusiasts keep on growing. Your responsibilities will include overseeing a team of executives and making sure that they showcase the society in a positive light and draw a targeted audience’s attention towards our events; hiring brand ambassadors; being in charge of all our social media platforms; rallying our members around top tech trends; providing front-line support to aspiring techies across all our online and offline channels.

Skills and requirements:

  1. Good time management
  2. Social media management skills
  3. Broad interest in the current happenings in tech
  4. Strategic planning of event promotions and society awareness
  5. Excellent communication and writing skills
  6. Team-working skills

Partnerships Lead

You will be responsible for generating strategic leads in both industry and community; maintaining long term relationships with previous and new leads by regular communications; procurement of sponsorship funds and negotiations; acting as an intermediary between Leadership and external partners (including WBS)

Skills and requirements:

  1. Good time management
  2. Excellent communication and writing skills
  3. Team-working skills

Finance and Legal Lead

You will be responsible for checking and logging the accounts of WarwickTECH as a charitable incorporated organisation (this includes making sure that our accounts are well prepared for the charity board’s annual review); processing all the payments and reimbursements as you will be the only exec that has access to our accounts.

As for the legal aspects of this role, you will be required to review and update our current sponsorship agreements and partnerships for the next academic year; make sure that all the Charities Commission’s requirements are met and complied with (as WarwickTECH operates as a charity).

Skills and requirements:

  1. Good time management
  2. Moderate excel skills
  3. A legal background
  4. Great attention to detail
  5. Team-working skills

Education Lead

You will be responsible for every activity that allows a WarwickTECH member to develop their skills or learn completely new ones; being creative and think of new ideas to help get all of our members engaged.

Skills and requirements:

  1. Good time management
  2. Enthusiasm and strong interpersonal skills
  3. Background knowledge of the technology industry
  4. Experience using a programming language(s) (desirable)
  5. Team-working skills

Hackathon Lead

You will be responsible for organising our flagship event (we have successfully run 5 hackathons in the last 4 years and we’ve no intention of stopping); overseeing the WarwickHACK team; making sure all the necessary preparations are made, and that everything runs smoothly throughout the event (including sponsorship, partnerships, marketing, venue arrangements, catering, schedule etc.)

Skills and requirements:

  1. Good time management
  2. Excellent organisation skills
  3. Ability to make decisions under pressure and think on your feet when things change
  4. Team-working skills

