Free cybersecurity tool protects you from hackers

Office of CyberSecurity
2 min readApr 11, 2018

Visiting the wrong web site can be very dangerous.

Many sites that appear legitimate are actually run by hackers who lure in unsuspecting victims to install malware on their computers. That in turn can lead to sensitive account information being stolen or even having your files encrypted and held hostage for ransom.

Fortunately, there are free services available that can help protect you by blocking connections to pages known to contain malware. One of the newest services is called Quad9, a nonprofit organization operated by the Global Cyber Alliance, the Packet Clearing House and IBM.

Quad9 operates a Domain Name System that operates in the background, translating web addresses such as into a string of numbers called an IP address. The internet uses those numbers to communicate.

Each time you visit a web page your request is routed through a DNS server, most likely operated by your internet provider.

Quad9 works by routing your DNS queries through a secure network of servers around the globe that tap the latest threat intelligence from leading cyber security companies to determine which web sites are safe to visit, and which ones are dangerous. The service automatically blocks connections to known malicious sites.

Quad9 states it does not store any personal data about its users. When someone uses the service, their IP address is not logged into the system. The service does log the geo-location of the system (city, state, country) and uses the information for threat analysis, as well as a component of the data provided to threat intelligence partners.

Quad9 has step-by-step instructions on its web page showing how to configure computers to use its DNS server. If you have a Wi-Fi system in your home, you can protect all your connected devices, including smart phones, by configuring your router to use for the primary DNS setting. If your router also requires a secondary IP address, you can use

For more information, you can read Quad9’s FAQ here:

