Learning Opportunities for Growth

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3 min readJul 5, 2023

Opportunity for Growth is one of the Five Essentials in the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-being. This essential represents the human need for learning and accomplishment. We are more likely to thrive and feel engaged, purposeful and competent when we have opportunities to grow, develop, apply our skills and succeed.

Each essential has components that further define the essential. The components of Opportunity for Growth are:

  • Offer quality training, education, and mentoring
  • Foster clear, equitable pathways for career advancement
  • Ensure relevant, reciprocal feedback

In this article, we focus on learning opportunities available through DES Training. The mission of DES Training is to promote the learning and growth of public service employees, thus enabling them to effectively and equitably serve Washingtonians.


Effective communication is an important and beneficial skill in our personal and professional lives. It is a skill that shows up in all parts of work — meetings, presentations, trainings, written communications and our daily formal and informal interactions with coworkers, colleagues and leadership. Here are three courses that can help you develop effective communications skills:

Customer Service

As customers demand, expectations and impatience rise, and the likelihood of conflict-filled interactions also rises. It is more important than ever to develop the skills necessary to navigate these difficult interactions, while also demonstrating your value.

Consider the following course to develop highly desirable conflict de-escalation skills:

Information Technology

While we are all users of technology, it takes a higher level of skill to integrate technology into our work in a way that fosters effectiveness and efficiency in workplace. Design, development and data analysis, and reporting are crucial to business and provide significant opportunities for growth.

To enhance in-demand technology skills, try one of the following courses:

Personal and Professional Development

Interpersonal skills are just as valuable as information technology skills. Developing your interpersonal skills can help you improve relationships, manage conflict and build trust.

This 2-day course will set you on a path toward growth and opportunity:

Program & Project Management

Program and project management require a complex set of skills, including problem solving, process analysis, communications, contract management and procurement, information technology management and the facilitation and coordination of multidisciplinary teams.

The following courses promote the development of skills that are valuable in all types of work settings:


Managing stress and supporting coworkers are valuable skills in a world where workplace mental health is increasingly important.

The following courses provide opportunities to acquire crucial skills to promote well-being.

For more information about these and other learning opportunities, visit DES Training or email TrainingInfo@des.wa.gov.




Strengthening the business of government in Washington state