Listening to learners improves course content

Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2023

Collecting feedback from learners is critical. It’s a high-return, low-risk way to make sure the content and delivery of courses are meeting learner needs.

That’s why it’s so important to regularly gather and review feedback from learners who take courses through Washington State Department of Enterprise Services. We strive to use learner evaluation feedback, both positive and negative, to improve on course content and delivery. We want all learners to get the knowledge and skills they need for their training development goals.

Here are some anonymous comments shared by learners in recent trainings:

“This was hands down the best training I have ever taken. It was extremely engaging and I felt safe to speak up. My opinions and thoughts felt valued and I appreciated that the instructor took time to dive deeper into questions I had. It was the first training I have taken where I learned tools that can easily be translated to both my work and personal life. I am excited to take what I learned today and push myself to grow as a person and to help those around me. Thank you so much!”

“I have two things I would ask the trainer to consider modifying in the presentation. The arm depicted as the visual for muscle is what society considers the “neutral” which is white and male. I would ask that she consider modifying it to something other. Female, black, brown, etc. The other suggestion is to not show the video that actually shows the Challenger exploding. I found that it affected me emotionally to the point it took me out of what I was there to learn. I think the point can be made with a simple picture and description of what happened. Seeing the video is too visceral for this kind of training.”

“I was nervous going into this class because I don’t like being put on the spot in front of a big group and I assumed this would happen, but the instructor made us feel very welcome, participation didn’t feel forced and the engagement and participation of instructor and group made the class go by very quickly and smoothly.”

“This course was EYE OPENING. [The instructor] taught me so many things about communication styles I had no idea about! This class was super helpful to me as a beginner facilitator, but I feel like people of all levels will get something out of this course. Very rich communication and a great handout filled with good information that I can implement in at my job. I will recommend this course to everyone I work with!”

We take action on the feedback we receive. We follow an internal evaluation process as part of our quality management program. This includes meeting with contracted vendors, interacting with our internal training teams, and conducting customer interviews with our training partners.

For example, we recently implemented a few changes to make completing evaluations easier. Training facilitators will allow time at the end of class to complete evaluations. Learners will also continue to receive an evaluation link via email from the Washington State Learning Center as a reminder.

DES prioritizes the input of learners. From refining materials to designing fresh courses, learner feedback is vital to us. We take all evaluation feedback seriously. We use it to improve and meet our promise of empowering high-quality learning for all.

Jennifer Carter is the Analytics & Initiatives Manager and Taisha Perry is a Learning Consultant with Workforce Learning & Performance at DES.




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