Submit feedback to support greater supplier diversity

Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2021

Are you passionate about improving supplier diversity in Washington state? We are developing a new enterprise supplier diversity policy that will alter how agencies do their own procurements and also affect state master contracts.

The policy will require agencies to align their practices with recommendations from both a Statewide Disparity Study and the Governor’s Subcabinet on Business Diversity.

The comment deadline is Oct. 31. Providing input before the final draft of the policy is developed is the most effective way to influence the process. Your feedback will help us design the policy and provide effective training and support resources.

Why supplier diversity

The state has committed to dismantling barriers to inclusion and equity in its procurement practices. The Disparity Study calls for changes to current state procurement practices and policies to avoid perpetuating systemic disparities.

your feedback matters

How to comment

Review the draft documents and email the feedback form to

Wondering where to start? Here are some questions to prompt you.

  • Is there anything missing from the policy?
  • Does any portion of the policy not align with Disparity Study recommendations or the Subcabinet’s Tools for Equity in Public Spending?
  • Does any portion of the policy not align with the intent of RCW 39.26.005, RCW 39.26.090(6), RCW 39.19.010, RCW 43.60A.200 or Executive Order 19–01?
  • Are there barriers to following the drafted policy?
  • What resources would be helpful to include in the policy?
  • Are there concerns about any unintended issues the policy would cause for businesses?
  • Are the policy and procedure drafts clear and easy to understand?
  • Do you have any suggestions for working within existing, decades-old data systems to provide transparency until the implementation of One Washington, which will modernize the state’s core administrative functions?

For more information and to view the draft documents, visit the DES goods and services policy development web page.

What’s next

DES will update the policy draft based on feedback and will re-engage everyone at that point. The current targeted project schedule can be found here.




Strengthening the business of government in Washington state