Waste Management For Business — Services You Can Hire

Waste Disposal Hub
Waste Disposal Hub
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2016

Waste management is an essential part of operations for both commercial and residential markets. From waste collection to recycling, waste disposal companies operate to treat and recycle the waste produced by industry.

However, the system to transport and treat waste from different commercial sections is not the same.
There are different steps taken in order to get rid of the different type of waste and it is important for business owners to understand this approach.

Transportation of waste for better treatment

In this article, we are going to discuss the best services for waste disposal keeping in mind different business categories.
Proper waste disposal is a mandatory step, not only because it helps your business but it also keeps the environment clean. To get rid of any waste, it is necessary that waste producers and contractors coordinate.

Let us brief you a little about what happens to the waste that does not reach the place where it can be recycled. It ends up in a landfill, where it is buried under the ground.
But landfills aren’t the right place to dispose of waste materials like plastics and electronics as they take an inordinately long time to break down.

It is understood, that every business has a unique set of problems related to waste.
Here we are listing few industries and techniques to manage their waste effectively:

Pharmaceutical Waste :

The pharmaceutical sector generates tonnes of clinical waste. This includes body tissue and bodily fluids and sharp materials like needles, lancets, and scalpels. Proper disposal of these materials is extremely important as they can be very hazardous.
Moreover, it is very important to maintain a high standard of cleanliness in hospitals and all other health-care centres.

Sharp Bins: Hire sharp bins to dispose of materials like needles, lancets, and scalpels.
Being puncture resistant, they are the best hire for any medical industry.

The colour coded bins:

Colour coded bins for medical waste

To properly dispose of the waste materials, the colour coded mechanism is quite popular in the UK. Here is the list of the colours and what they represent as a medical waste:

Purple bins: Purple bins are used to collect drugs and other contaminated chemicals that can damage the human cells. They can also include surgical gloves and aprons.

Red bins: Red bins are to dispose of body parts and body fluids.

Yellow bins: Highly infectious materials that need to be incinerated are stored in the yellow bins.

Apart from these, there are Blue bins for non-hazardous materials, White bins for dental waste and Black bins to dispose of municipal waste.

Supermarkets, Restaurants and Hospitality industry

It is quite necessary for business owners to maintain a pleasant environment when they deal with customers on daily basis. Trash problems can generate unpleasant odour that has a direct impact on the revenue of your business. In restaurants and hotels, garbage comes in many forms and the best way to deal with it is by using compactors.
A compactor is a machine that is used to reduce the size of the material through the process of compaction — compressing the garbage.

Other than that, there are Wheelie bin services offered by dependable waste disposal companies to carry all the rubbish. These bins are made up of hard plastic or steel and are perfect to carry waste from paper to debris.

Wheelie bins and Compactors have greatly helped businesses to dispose of waste as they come in different variants. From 120 litre bins to 1,000 litre wheelie bins, the waste from the site can be easily loaded onto trucks with their help.
Some waste containers also have built-in compactors to reduce the size of the rubbish.

Compactors for compressing waste

Construction & Demolition Industry

The amount of construction and demolition waste is huge.
Construction waste is the mixture of materials that come from site clearance, excavation, renovation, demolition and other works.
Site clearance is the most common and necessary step for every construction site. For better site clearance and waste management, Muck away services help in transporting the waste or unwanted soils and debris from the construction site to the place, where they can be treated. That is one of the most cost-effective and safe ways to get rid of trash instantly.

Debris at construction sites

Agriculture Industry:

Human beings have a strong link with environment and agriculture.
Changes in the agriculture industry have a direct impact on the people living in the rural as well as the urban areas. Similarly agricultural waste in excess has the potential to harm human health. The waste includes redundant machinery, tyres, oils, batteries, old fencing, scrap metal and much more.

It is high time that agriculture industries hire professional waste disposal companies to transport the waste where it can be recycled.
Rather than burning them in the open, burying it or using unlicensed tips, hire Muck away services to transport waste. You can also use Roll On and Roll Off containers if the amount of waste generated is quite large. These containers are used when collecting huge quantity of garbage is more important than the type of materials collected.

Disposing agriculture waste for a better environment


Today, waste disposal industries have gained popularity by offering extensive services to different businesses. If we discussed waste management in agriculture a decade ago, we might not see so many services in the offing.

As a businessman, it is your duty to maintain a clean and fresh environment, not only at the place where waste is produced but also where it ends up.

Even after you have passed it to another party, make sure you keep a track and get information on how it is treated.

When we use products and resources, waste produced becomes our own responsibility. By recycling and reusing these products we save them for our future generation that in a roundabout way benefits us.

Contact Waste Disposal Hub to take advantage of commercial scale and contract waste management. Save your money and maintain a clean surrounding by hiring us today!



Waste Disposal Hub
Waste Disposal Hub

The Waste Disposal Hub provides detailed information to users about responsible waste management. For more information visit: www.wastedisposalhub.com