Thank You to All Those Who Have Helped Launch FrontRow

Tim Hanline
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2018

We are so excited to finally launch and show FrontRow to the world. It has been quite a ride for the past year or so. We have learned so much, tried many new things, and hopefully built something people will find a lot of value in. Our goal is simple, to help photographers and creatives become better at their craft and in their business.

We are going to have plenty of time to go over FrontRow and what is all about and why we think you should join. But to start I simply want to say thank you to all of those who have helped us so much this past year to get us to this point.

Dad and Chris - Simply put without my dad Mike and brother Chris, FrontRow would not exist. They have been so supportive and helpful over the entire process.

The FrontRow Crew - We have a couple of amazing guys on staff here. Matt and Luke have been fantastic the entire time. Matt joined us almost a year ago and has become an integral part of our team here, both behind the camera and in the edit room. He keeps things light on set and enjoyable for everyone around. I promise to stop making jokes about your high school acting career.

You can see I am the donut/coffee guy on set

Luke joined us back in August and has been a machine at getting things edited and ready for launch. He is also by far the best note taker I have ever seen.

Our Educators -The group of photographers we have had the pleasure of working with is pretty special. Tony Corbell, Braedon Flynn, Jen Rozenbaum, Kira Derryberry, Dane Sanders, Kristen Kaiser, Dan Brouillette and Chris Orwig, all of you allowed us to not only work with you, but were also so gracious to let us learn and make a few mistakes along the way.

Make sure to always check that white balance

I hope everyone will see the dedication all of these people have to giving back and providing to the photography community.

Twin Cities Creatives -We have a great creative community here in the Twin Cities who have been so helpful to us. Whether it has been an extra set of hands on set, some wonderful makeup artists and models, or people who let us in their beautiful studios, the Twin Cities have been good to us and we are lucky to be building a business here.

Hannah -No offense to everyone else on this list but I saved the best for last. Hannah, in the beginning of FrontRow you were my girlfriend, then my fiancee, and now I get to call you my wife. Throughout this you have been incredibly supportive and our number one volunteer, all while managing and planning our wedding, our home and our pups. You have gone above and beyond for me and FrontRow. I love you.

This is an exciting time for us and also just the beginning for us here at FrontRow. You are going to see a lot of education and content come from us. All of which has the same goal, to help you become a better photographer and creative. Follow along with us on this new journey.

Keep Creating

Tim Hanline

