01: Tommen Has Emo Bangs

Blake J. Graham
Watching The Thrones
3 min readMay 4, 2016


Oh my god you made it! Congratulations! Shh shhh shhhh it’s safe here. You have nothing to fear. Take off that coat. You’re among friends now. You’re at the official website for the insanely popular and successful podcast Watching the Thrones. We know you can’t get enough of the show, so genius hosts Tony “Dreadwolf” Russo and Blake J. Graham made this site to help you can get the fix you need. We understand. Game of Thrones is crack and Watching The Thrones is your crack pipe.

In this episode Tony and Blake talked about Episodes 1 and 2 of Game of Thrones Season 6. Want to stop reading and just listen to their manly, dulcet, and confident voices? Click the play button below. Do it NOW!

Listen on SoundCloud and follow along on Twitter.

Oh and just as a heads up… “We’re gonna spoil the shit out of this MOFO”

Oh the places we’ll go…

Let’s face it, you don’t really want to read any more than you have to. So instead of writing up summaries about what Tony and Blake discussed, how about you just look at these pretty .GIFs instead.

The Wall

Ghost is a BEAUTIFUL animal. Just a GLORIOUS beast.

Three-Eyed Raven Tree Land

He does a lot of dream walking for someone with non-functioning legs.

Wherever Sansa Ran Off To

If this isn’t respect I don’t know what is because my parents never taught me.


Nothing Needs Love Like Family Does


Worst funeral ever. Didn’t even light him on fire.

King’s Landing

Another funeral. Eye rocks are everywhere these days.


I couldn’t find a gif, OKAY? So here’s Prince Doran’s lifeless body


Don’t try this with your local blind beggar. People will frown


I learned the hard way not to eat the help. Seems the dragons were better trained.

Dothraki Sea

The Dothraki love a good yo Mama joke.


At the end of the episode, Blake and Tony spun the Wheel of The 5 Kings to determine which arbitrary episode they will watch next week. The goal is to try to remember what happened in Westeros’s past and connect it to the goings on in Season 6.

The wheel has spoken and the dynamic duo will be watching and analyzing Season 4 Episode 2 The Lion and the Rose.

According to the Game of Thrones Wiki, in this glorious episode:

A who’s who of honored guests turns out for Joffrey and Margaery’s wedding in King’s Landing. Meanwhile, Bronn gives a lesson to an unlikely pupil; Bran’s vision helps map out his journey; Stannis loses patience with Davos; and Ramsay takes a perverse delight in his new pet.

Who to Thank!

  • This episode of Watching The Thrones was produced by Wallace the Labrador
  • Our theme song is written and performed by the Shapeshifter Dreadnought Selfie.
  • You can find Watching The Thrones on twitter @HotAirFM
  • Watching The Thrones is made with heart and soul by HotAir.fm



Blake J. Graham
Watching The Thrones

Editor-in-Chief @TheAirspace Evil Genius Lover Boy; Misanthrope; Comfortador; Chef; Playwright; Polyglot; Bamboozler; Aficionado; Misotheist; Jupitarian