PS4 Littlstar Cinema 1.27

Brandon Plaster
Rad TV
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2019

Hey All!

We’ve got a big Littlstar update for you, and wanted to highlight some of the exciting new features!

TV Playback Mode

We’ve added the ability to playback content (Fixed Frame, 180, and 360) on TVs. This means you don’t have to own a PlayStation VR to enjoy Littlstar. If a headset is not detected, or if it’s turned off, the mode will be enabled automatically. Camera rotation for TVs can be done through the controller’s right stick (we’re also investigating camera rotation for VR mode as well, though in our initial testing, it induced nausea, so it’s disabled for now). This means that the right stick is no longer used for seeking (which can still be done using L2/R2). As always, we welcome suggestions and requests and would love to hear thoughts on people’s preferred methods of navigating!

Metadata Json & Settings

In release 1.25, we introduced in-app editing of content types and formats. In order to store this data, to avoid changing the actual content files, we started writing metadata json files to the sideloaded drives. We recognized that this may have cluttered some drives and that some prefer these files not be written, so we’ve created a Settings page in the Library to allow for you to disable the writing of these metadata files. You’ll still be able to change the content types if it’s disabled, it just won’t store them, so you’ll need to set them each time, or continue using the file naming conventions.

We’ve also added the ability to edit the Title and Description of the metadata, so if you are interested in diving into the weeds and editing the metadata files yourself, feel free to check out our specification here. Caution though, as it’s actively being defined, and things may change if we find better formats or fields.

Embedded Release Notes

And last, but not least, to help everyone stay better informed on what we change with each release, we’ve embedded the release notes in the initial splash pages of the app. We hope that with this, you can stay up to date and get the most out of Littlstar!

Thanks so much for your support!

