Got Crowdfunding Problems?

Kevin Moran
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2018

There’s an estimated 7.53 billion people in this world, and creating a successful crowdfunding expedition only requires you to engage a small 0000000000000.1% percent of them. Sounds impossible to screw up, right?

Well, not always. There are crowdfunding attempts that are unsuccessful, but rather than dwell on why, we’re with an enhanced version of the WatchUGot app that will turn your efforts around.

WatchUGot is a blockchain based social networking application that provides users with the platform and tools to develop community fundraising challenges.

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

Why We Can Help You

The WUG “Hands” represent the calling out friends, family, and strangers to make a difference in the short life we live.

Our original WatchUGot app (currently in both Apple and Google app stores) utilized aspects of social media campaigns and created a format for users to challenge each other for fun, or create goals and donate directly to a cause of their choice.

With the blockchain version of WatchUGot, we’ve combined the ease-of-use and social-networking components of our legacy app with a secure and innovative tokenized reward system. We also provide the tools and infrastructure to enable users to donate transparently to meaningful.

By using the Ethereum framework and integrating our ERC-20 “WUG” token into WatchUGot, users can receive real-world rewards while simultaneously donating to a good cause.

I left my engineering job in San Francisco to build this dream and make the world a better place. I’m excited to be a part of a wonderful team and to help explain more about the work we do.

WatchUGot was designed with the intentions of creating a product that users could enjoy, while also supporting transformative causes.

Solution to Challenge Issues

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

We were inspired by social media initiatives like the “Ice Bucket Challenge”, but saw problems with the lack of transparency when it came to actual donations. It became obvious that without any formal structure, many participants were unable or unaware of how to send contributions to the correct ALS associations.

Two studies determined that a majority of participants simply didn’t donate.[1][2] As a result, the activity was successful in raising over $200 million dollars for ALS globally but missed out on the potential to raise significantly more contributions.

With our new blockchain version of WatchUGot, we’ve solved three significant issues with involved with social-challenge fundraising:

  1. We address the lack of organizational structure by providing the WatchUGot app with the necessary tools and information to guide users on how to establish goals and where to donate.
  2. We also address the need for transparency by utilizing the Ethereum blockchain to transparently award users and donations to charities via WUG token. All transactions are attached to each social media user and the tokens they raise and send to charities. Users can view their earnings and contributions in real-time right on their profile.
  3. Lastly, we provide a solution for users who lack the funds to donate in the first place by introducing our tokenization reward model as mentioned above.

WatchUGot provides users with the ability to earn monetary value in the form of WUG Tokens by participating in challenge activities or social media campaigns.

To summarize, WUG allows users to make meaningful contributions to actual charities just by having fun and challenging your friends.

I’m ecstatic that we’re in a unique space in which we can develop a blockchain product with the potential to make a significant impact for charities and in the lives of every single participant.

Q and A

Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

When will the blockchain version be available?

We will be launching our new version mid-2019, following our WUG token ICO that’s only open to non-US residents.

Where is WatchUGot based out of?

We’re incorporated out of Tallinn, Estonia and provide app services globally. However, as I mentioned before, our WUG tokens and select products in our reward inventory are restricted to those outside of Chinese, South Korean and US residents. However, check out our ERC-20 RIVL token airdrop if you are in the US, China or South Korea.

Where can I go if I have further questions?

It is also important to mention all our terms and participation information is available on our site at “”. If you have any questions or you’re eligible and want to participate in crowd-funding our project, you can send us an email at or head over to our website and register.

Great! Where can I find this app?

You can also download our current WatchUGot app on Apple and Google marketplaces right now and subscribe on our site ( to receive updates about our next version that is going to change the world.

Calling You Out

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

All I ask is that you join us by getting up off the couch and help make a difference in this world for what YOU care about.

Join us in raising the most awareness and funds the world has ever seen for the best causes.

If a natural disaster happens, you bet there will be a challenge for that. If you like dogs, believe me when I say there will be so many happy dog challenges you will be filled with pure joy.

Let’s make a difference together.

