How To Make A Successful Challenge

Kevin Moran
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2018

You might be wondering how you can create a challenge that goes viral AND rakes in the donation money. Well, we’re here to tell you exactly how to do just that. Follow the steps below to create the challenge that will not only raise funds for your cause but raise awareness beyond your wildest dreams!

1. Tug On Some Heartstrings

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

To make someone care, you have to get across two things to them:

  1. How much you care about this topic.
  2. How a small amount of caring on their part (through a small donation or challenge submission) can make a difference.

To do this, you need to tug on their heartstrings with the intensity of a dog fighting for his favorite toy. Describe how you have been affected by what you are raising funds for. You want them to feel exactly what you are feeling.

Also, make sure to be specific about how the funds will be used. The more transparent you are, the more people will want to donate!

2. The Challenge

Photo by Lubomirkin on Unsplash

Believe it or not, creating a successful challenge is rather simple! Research shows that successful challenges have two key components:

  1. Easy Access Items: The reason why the “Ice Bucket Challenge” was so successful is that most everyone had easy access to the items needed to do the challenge; ice, water, and a bucket. Now when making your challenge, think of something that almost anybody would have access to.
  2. Mimicry: This is the act of mimicking other actions. It has been psychologically proven to make people feel like they are part of a bigger community. Thus, you should make a challenge that can be easily mimicked, one that only requires you to follow simple instructions. For example, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” everyone did the same action, they dumped water over their head. A challenge that requires more out-of-the-box thinking could have people shy away from it, due to a fear of being judged for their creativity.

Essentially, think of the question“Can you do this?” rather than “How would you do this?”

3. Make A Video Description and Example

We highly recommend making a video describing your challenge rather than posting a challenge picture. People are much more inclined to watch a one minute video than to read your challenge description. In the video, you should:

1. Pull on those heartstrings (❤️)
2. Give a short description of the challenge
3. Do the challenge to set an example.

4. Send Out The Challenge!

Invite your friends to WatchUGot to do the challenge and ask them to do and donate to the challenge. Also challenge people outside the app by sending a challenge link via your contacts, email, Facebook connections or copy the link to send on any other communication networks. Call out celebrities, famous icons, and sports stars to join your movement! If anyone famous picks up your challenge, you are golden!

5. Post It All Over Social Media

After creating your challenge on WatchUGot, we recommend posting the challenge with the challenge link on other social media outlets. Posting on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc. will widen the web of possible views. However, if your challenge is a small private fundraiser, then just send the challenge to those invitees.

6. Give Updates To Your Donors

Think of it as the encore of your sick concert of charity! We recommend that you give updates on the challenge page as well as give updates on your social media networks for how the challenge is going at least once a week.

For example, you can post that the challenge “has reached X% of the goal! We need your help and are so close to completing our goal to….” We also recommend that you post a thank you when the goal was hit showing your appreciation.

The best thing you can do is to thank every individual who participated and donated to the cause individually. The act of thanking them will make them feel like a part of your family and those individuals will more likely be donors in the future. After the donation’s funds have been used, we recommend sending one more thank you with an update about the success of the campaign.

In Conclusion

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

To make a successful challenge is a simple 6 step process.

1. Tug on Some Heartstrings

2. Create an Easy and Mimic-able Challenge

3. Make a Video Description and Example

4. Send Out The Challenge

5. Post It All Over Social Media

6. Give Updates to Your Donors 😀

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