Why Your Nonprofit Should Target Millennials

Jagger Czajka
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2018
Photo by Julián Gentilezza on Unsplash

Raising money from audiences is the backbone of any successful charity. But that basic statement doesn’t mention an important detail: you must know who you’re reaching out to and why they’d be interested in what you’re selling.

For nonprofits, this means they have to understand why a specific audience would support their charity and how to phrase their appeals in a way that would entice said audience. Increasingly, the data shows that millennials are that group that nonprofits should be reaching out to.

Here are the reasons why your charity should be reaching out to millennials (with data coming from this excellent article by Forbes):

1) Millennials Will Be The Largest Demographic In The Workforce By 2020

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Currently, millennials are estimated to make up about one-third of workforce in America. By 2020 it’s believed they will represent more than fifty percent of everyone in the work face.

While it is true that this age demographic is known for having less income than previous generations (as well as a lot more debt), it’s believed that this will change as more of them enter the workforce and earn consistent paychecks.

Eventually, this all adds up to millennials eventually having more disposable income, which leads us to point two…

2. Millennials Are More Likely To Give Than Other Generations

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

We’ll let Forbes handle this piece of info:

“In 2014, 84 percent of millennial employees gave to charity and 70 percent of them donated more than an hour to a charitable cause, according to the Case Foundation’s Millennial Impact Report…”

As far as why this is occurring, Forbes also attributes this shift to the combination of a more idealistic generation (than previous ones) that also has increasing access to education and information. If they’re told of an injustice of the world off of something they see on their phone, they’re more likely to try to fix it.

If you’re reading these reasons and nodding your head, then we have an app that can help you expand your presence with millennials!

Introducing the WatchUGot app

The WatchUGot app gives you the opportunity to start challenges to raise funds and/or awareness for any cause! We started our MVP back in June 2018 and gaining more users by the day. If you want an app that helps you reach out to millennials, then download the app today and show us WatchUGot!

Website: www.WatchUGot.co
Apple Download: http://bit.ly/AppleWUG
Android Download: http://bit.ly/AndroidWUG
We Challenge YOU!: http://bit.ly/123WatchUGot (Click the link to find out)



Jagger Czajka

Occasionally funny. Maybe profound. Usually full of it.