As I Get Older, The Internet Gets Dumber

Remember: The Internet Is What You Make It.

Shawn Chaudhry
The Water Cooler


What really surprises me is how BitCoin retains value, how Facebook can endorse companies it doesn’t even know using someone’s name they’ve never even heard of, and how “start-ups” have become trendier than Kes$a (well the last one I can’t argue). I really don’t understand why Facebook needs to read someone’s text messages other than just to fight for the amount of users Hangouts already has. If Facebook did an operating system what the hell would that look like? What apps would there be for what? Or would I just be scrolling the entire time reading about random garbage in other people’s lives like how elaborate their noodle dish looks or how Jenny lost 30 lbs on the one finger diet endorsed by Facebook. Can I opt-out of auto-uploading my filesystem? Would I ever get anything done?

“If the internet was a real place it would be disgusting and intolerable”

Dave Chapelle

