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Curved Displays on Televisions

Why not?

Shawn Chaudhry
The Water Cooler
Published in
1 min readNov 10, 2013

-- has an interesting piece on the latest iPhone in development. They hint on a lot of curved displays for mobile devices and I find that exciting news. Hardly catching my breath, I sometimes find the application so revolutionary that I compare it with when I first saw the iPhone. A curved display could mean an entirely new generation of televisions! Viewing angles would be meaningless! What about the next generation of tablets or ebook readers? Sure, the feel may be more ergonomic but the application is where true ingenuity and innovation lie.When I crack open a book, I did not even realize that the pages are naturally curved. That “natural feeling” missing from electronics is precisely what keeps me from buying an ebook reader or tablet. I can’t wait for the next 40 pound ebook reader or tablet that reminds me of all the textbooks I carry around in college. That way Apple can put in a 50 TB hard drive configured with a RAID controller on the next iPad.

