Sweatshop Possibilities in Your Own Home

Lets Make A Sweatshop

Shawn Chaudhry
The Water Cooler


PCMag has an article talking about the possibilities with 3d printing. While I am all for manufacturing capabilities in your own home, I am worried about what the future might hold. While I can see the immediate implications of this:

Source: http://www.thejrexperiment.com/2013/09/04/episode-252-september-3-2013/sweat-shop/

I just wonder when will there be a time when “do it yourself” goes a little too far? Will there ever be a day when women can 3d print their own boob jobs? How about nose jobs? Will Rogaine allow 3d printing a new scalp for scalp replacement therapy? I’m just a little skeptical of butchering my own head, but it wasn’t too long ago that people were worried about throwing toxic chemicals on their face as long as you bathed an animal in it and it come out with extra limbs.

“Anti-aging” is probably an industry worth more than the amount of currency in the economy. They have do it yourself laser hair removal, how about lasik? Can I use laser hair removal products to shave? Maybe in the future I could go into the office like King Tut when I turn the setting too high. I don’t think parents would want their kids bringing that to “show and tell” or torturing pets.

