The Cover Image

Elena Theis
A Story About How to Tell a Story
2 min readJan 3, 2018

Picking the cover image is an important step. Why did I choose the one I chose for this publication?

To be honest: because I created a series before I created a publication and wasn’t able to publish it without adding a permanent image. So I browsed through the pics on my computer and had to find one without text to not have text on text. And this was the first one I came across so please meet: my dining room rug!

But of course this isn’t just any rug. It’s a rug that comes with a lot of history and memories as it used to be a dining room rug more than 600km further South in a special house with special people… where actually a part of this book — well the original, already published version — was written. And in the basement of this very house I had the epioahny of my life back in August or September 2013 when I wrote the following:

As I’m sitting in my grandma’s basement, in the middle of the Palatinate nowhere, at my old IKEA table, which has moved across the country with me several times, I’m finally realizing my purpose! Authentic self-expression in ANY given moment! Hawaii, Berlin, the world. Yeas, you’re calling me. And yes, I’m hearing you. Loud and clear. But in this moment I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. Because I already found the perfect place. I am with me! That is authentic. That is me.

As I’m writing these words I’m looking at my old IKEA table, which once again moved across the country with me to find its new home in Berlin. See for yourself :)

The chairs you see in this pic, however, belong to another dining room table. The one I’m sitting at right now. Believe me, this table has even more stories to tell, funny and sad ones — however, as you can imagine, that’s another and long story :)



Elena Theis
A Story About How to Tell a Story

The girl with the 🌺 in her hair. Berlin-based vegan writer & artist. Food, travel & coffee lover. Plant-based around the 🌏