The Story Behind the Story About How to Tell A Story.

Elena Theis
A Story About How to Tell a Story
1 min readJan 3, 2018

Yes. You did read correctly. And no, I’m not kidding.

Instead, I’m about to publish my first book for the second time — just in another language so I figured this is the perfect opportunity to tell a second story with my first.
And as one fo the most popular questions over the past years has been: “Is it hard to write a book?” — well, why don’t you just share the process with me and make up your own mind!

And as this is only the 2nd day of a brand new year, it’s the perfect time to make a commitment to myself and to my (future) readers: My goal is to work on my story at least 4 out of the 7 days of the week. Let’s see if I can keep my promise and let’s get going.

But let me be honest here: of course this is not just an entirely selfless act of sharing my experience (although that is indeed a big motivating factor).
However, I am also hoping to get whoever reads this involved in the process, provide feedback and help me find answers to the questions that come up along the way so this becomes a joint and interactive piece of creation.

I set up this account some 2+ years ago Today is January 2, 2018. I currently have 20 something followers on here. Well, I sure hope to see this number grow but we’ll see.


So let’s get this social writing experiment started!



Elena Theis
A Story About How to Tell a Story

The girl with the 🌺 in her hair. Berlin-based vegan writer & artist. Food, travel & coffee lover. Plant-based around the 🌏