Join Water Lily Pond

At Water Lily Pond, we’re always looking for talented, creative humans with specialist skills and senior-level expertise to help us do simple, efficiently. If that’s you, join our 100% remote and distributed global team and let’s work together!

Mate Kovacs
Water Lily Pond Blog
4 min readAug 6, 2020


Our global team

At Water Lily Pond, we don’t want to build a large, curated network with hundreds and thousands of team members. Neither do we want to be the elite team of the top 1% of talents.

We want to be a balanced, global team with just the right group of people to find great solutions to brands’ challenges. We’re a professionally and culturally diverse global group of people with a strong collective focus. We stick together and welcome everybody with the same open mind, no matter how long or how often they work with us.

Some of our team have won awards, others have worked at forward-thinking agencies and big technology companies. Some have far-reaching international experience, others have done exceptional work on great local brands.

What everyone shares is the strong professional and cultural diversity with just the right mixture of specific personality traits, great industry experience and confident niche skill set.

Our vibe

It’s important to enhance and nurture the team spirit, ensure everyone feels connected and avoid team members to feel isolated during work. Our team members must feel they are valued and rewarded for their participation.

We have zero tolerance towards bad attitude, any kind of discrimination and judgements, and bad vibes and negativity. No arrogance, drama, politics, clashes and tension.

Just pure, friendly and results-oriented professional collaboration.

Our structure

We neither have a traditional company model based on vertical hierarchy, nor have we got a parent company, senior management, departments, fancy job titles and managers. We’re horizontal and our hierarchy is flat.

Everybody is different: some of our team prefer more privacy and working in the background, others are more than happy to front the projects and work with you directly. But what we share is that everyone is a contractor (freelancer, moonlighter or digital nomad), and we’re all distributed around the globe and work remotely from anywhere (home, co-working spaces, libraries and coffee shops).

Working from anywhere

In 2016, our framework was designed to work via cloud collaboration; this is what we signed up for from day one. This type of work is not for everyone, but our team members know what they are doing. They are self-managed, disciplined and supporting each other.

They say that distributed, remote teams work twice as hard to overcompensate. And yes, that’s true and it shines through in our high standards of work: accessibility and responsiveness, high-quality communication and close collaboration with your team and our team. We put more emphasis on these things than bricks and mortar companies with full-time staff.

Plus, without the in-office interruptions and distractions, our team members can enjoy the ‘flow’ state of mind more often and longer, delivering better quality work more efficiently.

Make no mistake, face-to-face interactions are important, but they’re to enhance the relationship, not facilitate it: personal meetings and team meetups can add the most value when organised at key strategic points over the course of the relationship or project. The bottom line is that working remotely is more productive, creative and less stressful, ultimately leading to a happier life with more balance.


Diversity of cultures, ethnicities, languages and genders is incredibly important. The global team not only makes global coverage and work across time zones possible, but contributes to the cultural intelligence of the company. This means we can leverage our collaboration to create culturally driven ideas or even arrange for local support.

We have team members where both genders are represented with various ethnic background from various countries such as India, Hungary, UK, Germany, Portugal, US, Australia and New Zealand.

Mate Kovacs, the founder

Mate is here to bring the right people together, inspire team collaboration and help maintain high standards in work, processes, communication and administration.

He always has an open line to chat with everyone and wants to keep you, team members and partners happy.

Join our global team

Close collaboration and team spirit are extremely important for us, just as it is to have a diverse pool of talents with versatile capabilities.

We’re always looking for talented, agile people to contribute and help solve your challenges, as collaboration is at the heart of who we are. We’re all about very tightly focused niche skill sets brought together as a team and we can put together people who otherwise would never have worked together.

Many of our team come from our founder’s network and via recommendations and referrals from existing team members. But we believe great ideas can come from anywhere. High-quality work and the right personality are all that matters.

Our team members are self-starters with entrepreneurial spirit, open mind-set, thoughtfulness and self-discipline to manage their own time — they have great niche expertise and plenty of experience with freelancing, consulting, moonlighting and working remotely. So they can hit the ground running.

If that’s you, join our 100% remote and distributed global team and let’s work together!



Mate Kovacs
Water Lily Pond Blog

Brand. Life Beyond Product | Founder @ Water Lily Pond and Pitches of Paradise