Social commitment is in our heart & soul

Social commitment is hugely important for us — we feel we have responsibilities towards our team members, social peers and this planet.

Mate Kovacs
Water Lily Pond Blog
3 min readJul 23, 2021


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An all-remote team means better productivity, more creativity and richer diversity…

When people can work remotely in a flexible, streamlined and friendly cloud environment, we believe they not only have more control over their lives, but they are happier. From day one, in 2016, we made a commitment to remote work, so that our 100% remote and distributed team can balance life better and work from anywhere without commuting to and from offices.

The growing international team has a balanced gender distribution with many different ethnicities, beliefs and religions. Team members can enjoy being more productive, collaborative, creative and inspired with less stress and interruptions. And sharing commitment, risks, incentives and rewards is great for our team spirit.

Our commitment towards remote work is further amplified by a new project, Diverceety, which is a community of remote workers, digital nomads, entrepreneurs, startups and innovative businesses who are engaged in embracing and promoting diversity and remote work across the globe.

…And it’s better for our Planet Earth, too!

Being distributed globally and working remotely mean we can engage talents from around the world and they support the local economy, wherever they are. Cloud collaboration helps us cut office, equipment, paper and travel costs, and reduces carbon footprint and environmental waste to the minimum.

On the road to become a green company, we prefer to use FSC-certified 100% recycled paper and green web hosting powered by wind energy, wherever possible. Minimised stress and tension helps avoid polluting the environment with negative energy. We have plans in place to gradually offset our carbon footprint and work towards being carbon neutral.

Our founder, Mate Kovacs travels and works remotely around the globe, and contributes to this sustainability policy with the following actions:

  • Preferring public transport (train, bus) to car rental and flights
  • Paying extra to offset carbon footprint of flights and Uber
  • Following a vegetarian diet, and keeping it plant-based (vegan) as much as possible
  • Avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Reducing consumption of caffeinated beverages.
  • Practicing awareness and loving kindness
  • Taking cold showers to save energy and water
  • Using eco-friendly cosmetics and self-care products, and choosing biodegradable and reusable product alternatives
  • Recycling as frequently as available options allow, and minimising the use of plastic whenever possible
  • Living a simple lifestyle with minimal shopping (only when necessary)
  • Reducing food waste by consuming only what needed/not leaving leftover food
  • Prioritising digital products over physical ones. Being paperless. Selling or trading in old devices.
  • Actively searching for sustainable products and collaterals (ie. packaging)

We are committed to donating to worthy causes…

We donate 1% of our pre-tax profit to a selected charity that works for a cause that we deem worthy and appropriate for our donation. In 2018 for Christmas, we used Global Giving and our team members donated a small amount to various charities across the globe.

…And we are actively looking for collaboration and partnerships with charities and non-profit organisations!

Thanks to our team members who are happy to volunteer or contribute for reduced fees, we can occasionally offer our services and support ‘pro-bono’ or at reduced fees to those non-profit organisations that work for causes that we deem worthy and appropriate for our not-for-profit contribution.

Our founder clocked in many pro-bono hours to give back and mentor tech startups and scaleups

Since 2017, Mate Kovacs spent many hours pro-bono to mentor and advise tech startups and scaleups globally at leading tech organisations (ie. Google Launchpad, 500 Startups, Level39 and APX) across various industries, including green energy, clean energy, sustainable enterprises, edtech, mobility, agrotech, foodtech and smart cities. Projects with social impact included the World Food Organisation in Munich and the Innoenergy PowerUp program in the CEE.

Until 2020, Mate was a co-founder of Tech London Advocates CEE, a not-for-profit initiative connecting businesses, entrepreneurs and investors between the CEE region and London.



Mate Kovacs
Water Lily Pond Blog

Brand. Life Beyond Product | Founder @ Water Lily Pond and Pitches of Paradise