We Do Simple, Efficiently

The concept of ‘Simple, Efficiently’ was created to help businesses adapt to the incredibly complex and fast-changing times that we are all living in.

Mate Kovacs
Water Lily Pond Blog
2 min readFeb 13, 2018


Simple, Efficiently

With myriads of market players, disciplines, tools and media options being present in all industries and in every marketplace, there is a huge information overload. In this increasingly saturated environment where the noise and the number of touch-points between products and people are soaring dramatically, it’s more and more difficult to connect with customers.

We advise all businesses to return to the foundation of the brand and get back to the basics of marketing communications. Do simple things in order to navigate as efficiently as possible in this fluid and ever-changing market environment.

And here are some other things that we firmly believe in at Water Lily Pond:


People are unique and complex human beings who constantly change, evolve and transform, just like the world around them. Human values must always be respected and prioritised, therefore we say ‘Yes’ to diversity and ‘No’ to generalisation, typification and judgements that lead to prejudice and discrimination in relation to ethnicities, beliefs, genders, cultures and roles.

Brands 2 People

Brands sprout from companies and their products before they are planted in the customers’ minds and shaped by their feelings and thoughts. Therefore, brands belong to people. We believe businesses must ensure that the value exchange with their customers in this symbiotic relationship is a mutually beneficial and rewarding experience.

Global Collaboration

Working from anywhere and collaborating via the cloud can enhance productivity, boost creativity and nurture business relationships around the globe. We are fully committed to global collaboration and remote work as it has the power to promote diversity, help the environment and support local economies.



Mate Kovacs
Water Lily Pond Blog

Brand. Life Beyond Product | Founder @ Water Lily Pond and Pitches of Paradise