The Art of Scale — A VC’s perspective

Ravi Kaushik
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2020

#podcast #ArtofScale #WaterBridge Ventures

As a Venture Capitalist, after every single company meeting I always ask myself the same 2 questions over and over again — Will this scale and Is this the right team to do this? The nice folks at Transfin invited me for a podcast to talk about all things VC, founder fit, market sizing and the massive tech disruption opportunity that India offers. Some key excerpts:

Tooth Brush Test — The reasons why consumers come back on a daily basis to use the product/service and how WaterBridge Ventures’ portfolio company Chalo #Chaloapp which is targeting ~200M Indians who daily use intra city buses in India actually passes this test!

Keeping an Open Mind — Despite ~10 years of experience in PE/VC, the biggest challenge and the opportunity is to approach every meeting with an open mind; VC investing is all about disrupting status quo.

Founder Fit — Opportunity cost for the founder, Horses for courses — each founder is perfectly fit for a certain kind of company, multiple meetings to draw comfort and finally relying on experience to develop that belief, that conviction to go ahead with an investment.

Market Sizing — How primary research is the real crux and the only way to gauge consumer sentiment and round out any market sizing exercise.

Exits — How we at @WaterBridge Ventures start thinking about exits even before we invest and how as early stage VC investors, we are starting to see exits Series B/C onwards.

You can listen to the full podcast here:



Ravi Kaushik

Ravi is a VC investor at WaterBridge Ventures, an early stage tech VC firm. He is passionate about technology, venture investing, human psychology and football.