Face Masks: The Hottest Fashion Item of 2020

Face masks are making a fashion comeback, but American men can’t seem to get behind the hottest trend of the summer

Tiffany Yu
5 min readJul 10, 2020


Photo Credits to Studio&Talia

Going outside without a face mask these days is so Old Normal. It’s all about the New Normal now. In a matter of months, face masks became the most sought after item worldwide. People just can’t get enough of this stuff; the demand for face masks is projected to surpass 21.2 billion by 2026. Clearly, this is because face masks are the new fashion trend of 2020, with sales across the globe skyrocketing and people rocking their face masks on a daily basis.

It seems that this fashion trend, however, is not catching on in the United States. It’s odd that this global fashion trend, which is making a comeback from 1918, is not picking up as quickly in America compared to other leading countries in the fashion world like South Korea and China. What’s even more riveting is that men are more likely than women in the United States to not wear a face mask in public. Men, stop proving the world right about American male fashion stereotypes! You have to stay up to date with the latest fashion trends if you want to look handsome and cool. Hoping to impress that cutie that’s 6 feet away? Want your partner to brag about you on Zoom?

You’ve come to the right place!

Here are reasons why the face mask is this year’s top fashion item — and why you should seriously wear one.

The Global Fandemic over Face Masks

(Right) Art Credits to Adele Flash Hennion

Reframes the Face and Highlights the Eyes

Face masks alter the shape of the face by sharpening the jaw line which creates the illusion of a narrower face — a defining masculine feature. Covering half of your face also draws more attention to your eyes and also makes your eyes look bigger, since the only feature on your face visible is your eyes and eyebrows. The redefining of the face also accentuates the build of your body because the line of sight goes from your face mask to trailing down your body, and this emphasizes your shoulders and your height. If you’ve ever been insecure about your weight, height, or face shape, with a face mask, you won’t have to anymore!

The beauty with the face mask is that no matter how you look, it will always make your face and your body look good.

Reshaped Face + Emphasis on Eyes = Sex Appeal

Not to mention, your face mask will also help you look put together even when you’re not.

Haven’t shaved in weeks? Wear a face mask!

Haven’t brushed your teeth? Wear a face mask!

Have a disgusting pimple on the side of your face? Wear a face mask!

There’s a misconception among men that wearing a face mask looks weak and vulnerable, but it’s actually the opposite! Your face mask is your armor and shield, and as long as you wear it, you’ll look majestic, attractive, and incredibly put together.

Emits Mysterious Stranger Vibes

When you wear a face mask, to other people it eludes strength, intelligence, compassion, and social awareness — traits that people find incredibly sexy.

And let’s not forget how wearing a face mask gives you an air of mystery. People will constantly wonder who you are, with your only identifier your voice and your eyes. That fantasy of meeting a mysterious, sexy stranger can be achieved in more ways than one with the glorious face mask.

Prevents the spread of a virus that continues to infect and kill thousands of people in the United States on a daily basis

Not only do face masks make you look hot — they also help prevent the deaths of millions of innocent people!

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

Coronavirus is a not-so-great trend that is also taking the world by storm. More than 3 million people in the United States have been infected with coronavirus, and over 133,000 Americans have died from it.

The virus is transmitted through small respiratory droplets that are a product of people breathing, speaking, sneezing, and coughing. According to the University of California, San Francisco, studies demonstrate that there is a strong causal relationship between face mask mandates and the growth rate of coronavirus. In other words, wearing a face mask reduces the transmission of coronavirus, which would help save lives and put an end to this pandemic.

But for us to fight this virus, everyone has to wear a face mask. Wearing a face mask will not guarantee you from not catching the virus, but if you and everyone you interact with wears a face mask, then it greatly reduces the risk of the virus spreading. The more people wear face masks, the more protective the face mask becomes.

So long as people fail to follow social distancing policies and refuse to wear face masks, the virus will permeate in crowds through asymptotic and symptomatic carriers and infect unsuspecting people, elongating the impacts of this pandemic for years to come.

Are you convinced that the face mask is the defining fashion item of 2020? Of course you are!

Don’t own a face mask? Avoid the faux pas of being seen without one by getting one today! You can buy them in bulk at Amazon.



Tiffany Yu

Health Tech Enthusiast with a Passion for Asian American Advocacy, Politics, and Health Policy