Introducing the Waterfall Node Desktop App!

Waterfall Network
Waterfall Network
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of the Waterfall Node Desktop App! You can now download the app to easily set up a full node and start using WATER.

Supporting the Waterfall network is now easier than ever. You don’t need to be a technical expert to leverage this user-friendly application. Simply open the app and link your Metamask (or any EVM) wallet to run a full node — no additional installation required!

In addition, we have enhanced the efficiency of our system resource consumption via our native Node application, whose performance has been improved by over three times on macOS.

What can you do with the Waterfall Node App?

  • Launch a full node and sync with the Waterfall network

A Node is a registered network stakeholder who uses a digital device to keep track of the distributed ledger and confirm the legitimacy of network transactions on the BlockDAG. Each Node deploys a certain number of Workers. Before adding Workers, the node must be fully synchronized. You can download the network state on your own (faster), or wait until the node is synchronized from the network.

When users run their own local node, they have greater assurance about the state of their balances.

  • Manage Workers by creating or removing them

A Worker consists of two components with independent addresses that work together: Validator and Coordinator. You can create up to 16 Workers for a single Node. You can transfer or restore your Workers using a mnemonic phrase.

  • Activate your Workers to earn rewards

To activate a Worker on testnet8, you need to access the application and top up your Worker with 3200 test WATER from the testnet faucet. You can easily generate Worker activation data within the application, then send the transaction via MetaMask (or any EVM wallet) to activate your Worker. In the future, we intend to integrate wallet functionalities to make it possible to activate Workers without MetaMask.

  • View network status and connected peers

Confirm that your Worker is running, synchronized, and earning rewards.

  • Check your balances

On a local node, a user can easily start and manage their Workers, monitor their performance, and track their earnings. In the future, the interface will display various statistics for all Workers on the user’s nodes.

  • Use an external SSD drive as a data storage device.

The current network’s state size is about 70 GB on Testnet8. To free up more space, you can easily use an external SSD drive.

We are currently in the process of obtaining a Code Signing Certificate from Apple and another trusted certificate authority. Once we have obtained the certificates, you will no longer need to manually authorize the installation of the Waterfall Node app on your operating system. We will make an announcement when the certificates have been obtained.

Stay tuned for future updates!

