A Woman Doesn’t Need To Be Attractive To Feel Sexy

Attractiveness is a label, Sexiness is a feeling

3 min readApr 16, 2020


What the eyes can see, is all the eyes can see, but it surely isn’t all there is. As human beings, we want to believe we have power over the representation of someone else. If I think she is a slut, then why isn’t she one?

This is why I genuinely feel, a woman doesn’t need to be attractive to feel sexy. The world has to come to an agreement on a woman’s choices. Women want to be seen in a certain way peculiar to only them, and the manner in which they carry themselves has nothing to do with your taste as a man.

A woman doesn’t need to appeal to any eyes at all to be sexy, she just needs to be seen and have her voice heard, that’s all the sexy she needs. This is why celebrities get to define their sexiness, because they have the attention of the crowd.

Looking sexy these days doesn’t necessarily translate to feeling sexy. Why sexiness is so different from attractiveness, is because it has more to do with feelings than looks alone.

A woman who doesn’t feel comfortable in her dress, but seems to be making every other person in the room drool, might not feel sexy. Being sexy as a woman has a lot to do with confidence, and confidence has a lot to do with our environment.

The people you surround yourself with as a woman, affect your level of confidence. Hanging around misogynistic men, would only get you looking attractive, but not feeling sexy. Sexiness comes from how you’re treated, it is a state of well being.

So many young beautiful ladies get themselves trapped in toxic environments, simply because they value their looks more than their feelings. They stay with poor minded partners, all because they both look good on camera.

We tend to forget the true essence of being wanted. Truth is, when you’re truly wanted, you’re treated right, you become sexy, because who ever desires you knows your value as a woman.

A lot of women fall prey and place too much premium on looking attractive enough for their partner. This validation sets you up for discomfort, your perfect body never seems to be enough, and you feel sexy only when you’re complimented.

You don’t need to look attractive around people you care about, rather, how they treat you and how sexy you feel around them should be what truly counts.

Feeling sexy needs no words, only actions. Your self worth is what makes you sexy, you’re ability to define who you are is what is sexy, not your level of woke.

Being a woman is sexy, looking like a woman is sexy, having a voice and an opinion is sexy, understanding the kind of person you are is sexy. Society can only rate your attractiveness to them, but never your sexiness.

You’re not subject to any trend, you are your own trend. Always remember to use every platform you have to share your voice with others. Don’t get too lost in the spotlight that you forget to find your voice.

You don’t always have to be attractive, and you don’t ever have to stop feeling sexy. You may need to be noticed to be attractive, but all you need to feel sexy is to exist and be yourself.

Every woman is sexy, every woman can see herself they way she chooses, every woman is already attractive when she feels sexy. Attractiveness is a label, Sexiness is a feeling.

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Confused soul. I’m all about everything progressive. Reach out — stephenfresh150@gmail.com