Abortion Is Not An Act, It Is A Choice

No woman deserves to be labeled a perpetrator of an ‘act’ simply because her choice doesn’t align with your wish

4 min readMay 13, 2020


Photo by Oliver Cole on Unsplash

No woman is happy and filled with joy when faced with an unwanted pregnancy. The more we label abortion as an act, the more we indirectly make it seem like an enthusiastic venture.

A choice stems from the knowledge of a viable option and a possibility to ease an unnecessary burden. A woman having a body, must be provided with healthy options to exert her autonomy, especially when it can protect her from following through on unwanted circumstances caused by unpredictable natural chaos.

Sex in itself isn’t solely for reproduction, it is for whatever you need it be. Consensual pleasure, stress relief, passion expression, sex-tape cinematography, body exploration and so much more are various reasons for sex. Sex must not even be for a reason, it must however be consensual and safe.

This is why abstinence shouldn’t be a necessary question to be asked when the choice of a woman is involved.

What abstinence does is drag women back to a point where they can’t even practice safe and healthy sex, it strips women of their choice to even enjoy sex or practice it at all.

Abstinence usually jumps into the conclusion that sex must come with the burden of reproduction. This assumption in itself, encroaches on the individuality, self expression and determination of a woman. When you impose abstinence on a woman, you subdue her infinite identity into a finite societal construct of a child bearer.

A woman doesn’t owe you an apology or explanation concerning how she chooses to sexually express herself. She doesn’t owe you celibacy, just to stroke your moral ego on being ‘pro life’.

We as a society have to realize that abortion and childbearing isn’t and mustn’t be a big deal for every woman. If it’s a big deal for you, fine, process your emotions and deal with your conscience accordingly, but if it’s truly not a big deal for you, you don’t owe society any grief, it’s your deal just the same way it’s everyone else’s deal.

You didn’t commit an abortion, you simply made a choice, and that’s not bad, it’s simply a choice, same choice you can express to also keep the pregnancy if you want it.

We have to promote abortion as a choice, and not an act. Making abortion an act, would only leave knowledge gaps where the condition that leads to the choice of an abortion would seem intentional or premeditated.

As a pro life enthusiast, you have to realize that when you constantly insinuate women are ‘killing babies’, you indirectly and hatefully imply that these women love having unwanted pregnancies just to have an abortion. If you are really pro life like you claim to be, then you shouldn’t mind adopting and taking care of vulnerable kids. Your energy would be more useful there, than in exerting your control to dominate the choices available in someone else’s life.

Many pro-choice women have always been challenged with guilt tripping blank statements like the very popular:

‘Would you be born if your parents decided to have an abortion?’

The fundamental problem with this statement is that it implies every sex that comes with a pregnancy has a face attached to it. It implies that the consequence of a mishap during sex, which is very human and natural, is a life begging for freedom.

What we need to understand, is that when we romanticize something as serious as childbearing, we risk interpreting a different dimension of life as factual and real. By romanticizing conception, we unconsciously make it seem like there are a vast number of babies waiting in cages for the moment they’d eventually be free to experience life.

It comes off as inferring babies are already created before the pregnancy, and are simply waiting for their turn, for that moment when the woman would make a mistake, so they can quickly pop into her belly.

This popular ideology in its rawest form is intoxicated with so much religiosity and moral superiority, to the point that it labels the choice of a woman as despicable and ridicules her for simply resisting the curse of spontaneity, especially when expressing her sexual freedom.

Why should men who don’t even bear the risk of childbearing at all, have a valid opinion that determines the level of insurance for a woman?

Must is be a punishment to simply be female and have a womb?

If men got pregnant, you can get an abortion in the ATM. Veep on HBO.

Society really needs to have open minded conversations about the principle of choice and its importance. We need to open ourselves up to the woes and reality of women, before taking our ‘superior’ stance, especially when it comes to matters that exclusively concern them.

No woman is running across the street yelling ‘abortion is the best thing ever’, they are simply asking why their bodies aren’t theirs anymore, why their lives must always be put on hold to be considered as ‘good and virtuous’.

Women are tired of people shoving ‘the gift of childbearing’ down their throats and demanding ‘virtue’ from them. Virtue in its own right could just be another way the ‘male hierarchy’ influence women to bear the brunt of all the poor decisions and ignorance of society.

Every woman is beautiful in every single way, and non of these beautiful women is obligated to seek your approval on how they express their healthy choices. She might seek your counsel, but she definitely doesn’t need your approval. No woman deserves to be labeled as a perpetrator of an ‘act’ simply because her choice doesn’t align with your wish.

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Confused soul. I’m all about everything progressive. Reach out — stephenfresh150@gmail.com