God Is Very Flexible

He morphs with our existence to our own greater good

5 min readAug 21, 2018


God is very flexible, He morphs with our existence to our own greater good. His prime goal is for love to reign. He adapts to our resonation with our present nature and the essence of peace and happiness without bounds.

God is science, God is the meaning we derive from our existence, the beautiful essence that allows us synchronize with our world and how we see it. God is Love, God is Peace, God is Unity, anything that causes violence, discrimination is not of God but of the selfish nature of Man.

Anybody that prioritizes his moral standards and ethics over global peace and love is selfish and is not working for God, because God is Universal, the good of everyone is the priority and their happiness is essential for the health and essence of life itself and not your personal convictions or view of how the world should be. Remember not only you lives in it.

Peace and love are one of the few qualities that can truly resonate completely for the greater good of everyone, that is when everybody will truly be tolerant, acceptive and able to make the best of their own world and understanding of it, that is the only way we can have the will to fight for the future of our universe.

Your morals can never be my morals, only love and peace can allow humans understand that they have no right to infringe on the journey of other humans just for the purpose of maintaining the presence of your perspective (which can never be the ideal perspective) because no matter your opinion on life, it is always going to be fragmented and insufficient for the well being of everyone as a whole.

When there is love, our opinions begin to grow everyday and morph into the perspective where everyone sees from each other’s eyes and vouch for the next person’s happiness, because they are more about the essence of life than the Cinema in their heads (that plays a movie that is definitely not everyone’s favourite movie) and that they didn’t buy tickets to watch.

Of course there should be restrictions, but restrictions on life should not be based on ethics or morals but rather on goodwill. Every human should be allowed to have their freewill and live their life till they feel the essence of it and till the day when the control of other people’s life becomes a taboo, something unheard of.

Freewill is freewill, but as a result of our human weakness, flaws, selfishness, what we make of freewill eventually becomes polluted because we no longer see it as freewill but as a privilege. Nobody’s freewill should ever be a privilege, because with privilege comes debt and nobody owes you any explanation of how they choose to journey through life.

But now more than ever freewill is threatened. Not only by the people who want to cage it but by the people who want to pollute it for their personal fantasies. Of course you should have the freewill to make a meaning of your choosing from life, but that meaning must flow through goodwill. Any freewill that does not resonate beautifully with goodwill is no longer freewill but an excuse to twist the essence of life, happiness to suit our personal demons.

Every human, no matter how holy thou claim to be, has a demon. Our demons are the lines that we draw that enables us to choose between good and evil, to see between happiness and unhappiness, to see if we are capable of loving and having freewill.

It is the duty of every human to carry these demons in a cage all through life and ensure that these demons keep laying the borders between life and doom, between light and darkness, beauty and evil. Our demons are the edge of road that lets us know that we still have the ability to choose the right path and that creates a sense of consciousness and control of our journey’s and destinies.

Demons must remain suppressed, not by force or by false self-control but by choice, choice that blooms from the goodness of our heart, after-all a Man/Woman without a heart, can never appreciate life and truly be good and happy.

Our demons are essential, not because of their nature or experiences, but because the true value of love lies in the energy they release. Love, True Love in its rarest and rawest form is a demon that has a choice and guess what, we all as humans have freewill, it’s nature’s greatest gift, not to us, but to our existence.

God exists only in our consciousness, God is our understanding of our existence and He is not a product of any religion but of spirituality. Spirituality in itself is a journey, a journey that we must consciously take in order to make a tangible meaning of our finite but yet infinite existence.

If God truly exists only in our consciousness, then why do we still limit our understanding of Him/Her through the barriers and boundary lines of the proclamation of other doctrines, religions which have emanated from other human consciousness, what actually makes their own consciousness superior to our own or your own, in the end, you have your own life to live, your own individual journey which will be traveled solely by your own inadequate consciousness in the total absence of all the other controversial human consciousness.

It is true that no consciousness can ever be adequate, but the journey you make to find answers to your existence for your happiness and for the greater good of everyone is the main essence of life, because the moment we stop trying to understand, the further and less connected we unknowingly are from God and the importance of the supreme being in our consciousness may begin to fade away.

You can never find God through religion, you can only find more confusion, twisted histories, deluded fantasies and misplaced illusions.

God must come from within and not as a bye-product of another human’s own understanding or volition, because if it doesn’t you stand the risk of never discovering yourself and never truly resonating with God spiritually and in your own consciousness.

Religion is like a drug that will only work for the pharmaceutical company and their families and selfish future plans at your own expense and clueless assistance. Only spirituality can truly fill up the void in each and every human and that is the only way love can grow, thrive and even exist, and without love, no man or woman can ever truly find God. God is Love.




Confused soul. I’m all about everything progressive. Reach out — stephenfresh150@gmail.com