Real Love Must Bring Something Real Valuable To The Table

A woman that cannot be manipulated by money intimidates a basic man, because now he must bring something more valuable to the table

4 min readApr 20, 2020


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

A man that cannot be manipulated by sex intimidates a basic woman, because now she must bring something real valuable to the table. A woman that cannot be manipulated by money intimidates a basic man, because now he must bring something more valuable to the table.

One crucial dynamic of love is how it can’t be real or fake, it just exists. Relationships highlight an environment where the seed of love can be planted, and this agricultural venture must be bind by unwavering commitment from each partner.

In this progressing but undeniably patriarchal world, there are two major factors that always put the love of any relationship to the ultimate test. Yes, you guessed it, we are going to talk about, Money and Sex:

Love and Money

Money is a very valuable resource, but in a relationship it’s position tends to be overrated.

Money may not buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus. — Françoise Sagan

Money plays a vital role in happiness, but once comfort sets in, the role of money in happiness becomes over-exaggerated. What this means is, when partners in a relationship are fairly independent and have self worth, the vanity of money looses its hyped up power.

A loving relationship stands on the foundation of the daily commitments made by each partner. A lot of people see commitment as only making sacrifices, but this ideology can lead to more harm than good.

Sacrifice in a relationship, contrary to popular opinion can be both toxic and pure. Many partners tend to only see the purity of sacrifice, and this causes them to make degrading decisions to keep their relationship barely breathing.

This is where commitment as improvement and not sacrifice comes in.

When each partner is committed to give their best everyday and keep being better individuals, the real and valuable actions you can take become so glaring.

The partner with the money, can never hold all the cards in a truly committed and loving relationship. Once money is being used to manipulate, the man or the woman would see through it and realize they deserve better. This is why we should play as a team in a relationship, no one can bribe a team member to win the game, you’re either playing or not.

Love and Sex

Love doesn’t have to exist for blissful sex to happen. A relationship where mind blowing sex is enjoyed might be lacking in adequate love.

Sex is important, but replacing love with passionate sex would only leave you gasping for air once the shower and the bedroom lights are switched off. Once the love making stops, then real love showing must continue. Sex is valuable, but not valuable enough to keep a relationship going alone.

In the same manner partners work out together, they also sex together. Love is more of an emotional connection between each partner, rather than a physical activity.

Any relationship where the last resort to tightening the bond involves sex, is already falling apart. This is why promiscuity can still bring almost the same happiness that a sexual partner brings, the issue here isn’t the sex, but the value placed on that partner.

Desire is a fading need, and like every craving, it disappears quickly. Every relationship is always filled with moments of desire, where that need seems like it can solve all problems.

Eventually, real love has to be proven, and once the euphoria clears, the sexual gratification looses the hyper-inflated value it seems to have.

Real love must bring something real valuable to the table. Any relationship that thrives on only fading desires and selfish one-sided sacrifices would definitely reveal itself for what it is, void of real love.

Time and longevity doesn’t always indicate a valuable relationship, it could however show how much suffering and sacrifice is endured behind the curtains.

Your relationship should be loving, you deserve to be valued, and only real value given by your partner would indicate your true position. Someone being your partner doesn’t make them automatically deserving of your love, they have to earn it by providing value to you in that relationship.

Money and Sex give taste to a relationship, but they lack real value. When you spend the money, the thrill fades, and when you get that orgasm, the sensation eventually disappears. What is left is you and your partner.

You are the value in your relationship, your partner is the value, this is why you have to keep being your best self and demanding nothing less from your partner.

No amount of sorrow, begging, tears, emotion would bring out the best in a partner that isn’t capable of the best. First you must choose yourself before choosing your partner, this way you are fully aware of what you deserve, what you value and who you value.

You are love, your other half is love, you all together are the love, and not even money and sex can change that.

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