Why Must Abortion Always Be A Big Deal On Television Shows

The idea that an abortion clinic is a place of sorrow and bad decisions needs to change on television

5 min readApr 1, 2020


I am a firm believer that in a world where men are the child bearers, abortion would definitely be the norm. One of the reasons why women are being scrutinized for claiming autonomy of their bodies is simply because the society is still run by misogynists.

So many men can’t even handle the care of the child after birth, as many fathers end up fleeing and fail to meet up with child support. In the U.S today, only 43.5% of children owed child support, regularly receive full payments.

A society with child bearing men, would surely be one where abortion is considered old forgotten news. Abortion is still sensationalized today, because that’s the only way to exploit women, by guilt tripping them, and the media plays a big role in this.

So many television shows, keep directing us towards the very same narrative and stigma on abortion.

The one-sided idea that abortion must always be second guessed, and filled with so much regret is one idea we have been fed for way too long by the mainstream media.

What really makes this narrative annoying is that it’s gradually becoming so unrealistic and lacks adequate representation of a large population of women. A lot of these shows are teen shows, and this simply brings to light, the guilt tripping that women, both old and young have to keep facing just to take control of their futures and lives.

Shows like Euphoria, Sex Education, 13 Reasons Why, all have really emotional scenes where the young woman goes to get an abortion but is full of so much pain and regret. Then other young women are also showed in the abortion ward, second guessing, feeling guilty and numb for simply putting themselves and their lives first.

American comedian, Michelle Wolf on her Netflix special ‘Joke Show’ spoke about feminism, childbirth and abortion. She said something really thoughtful in the special, that made me think critically about the concept of abortion.

A lot of people think even if you’re allowed to get an abortion, it should only be for a few specific reasons, well, I think you should be able to get an abortion for any reason you want. Like, you don’t want a baby, it’s not the right time for you, it’s not the right guy, you’re a redhead and he’s a redhead and you’re worried the baby’s going to be translucent.

People say but it is a big deal and you shouldn’t be cavalier about it, you should take your time making the decision. It can be any deal you want it to be, it’s your abortion, it’s your deal. If it’s a big deal for you, it’s a big deal, if it’s not, it’s not, both are correct.

Michelle Wolf in her Netflix Special ‘Joke Show’.

Abortion is not always a big deal, and sensitizing it that way on television shows, eventually ends up being unrealistic.

It’s your deal, not mine, so the size of it shouldn’t be in my place to say. Some women get an abortion and happily resume their lives, it doesn’t make them any less human or take away from their ability to be reasonable.

Every woman should be respected with regards to her choice and the values she assigns to it. The patriarchal world has historically suppressed the well being of women to the point where even their ability to prioritize what matters to them has been deemed irrelevant.

Society has always found a way to shame women and dictate to them how and what they should prioritize, and in the exact manner they should do it.

Television shows should try to reinvent how they represent young teens as people who love sex but aren’t strong enough to prioritize their futures and handle the complexities of childbirth.

The shows highlight how sexually mature teens are, but then relegate those same teens to emotional wrecks during the mishap of a pregnancy and when the time for an abortion comes.

We never see their parents consent required when they want to have sex, but all of a sudden they need the guidance of their parents when they choose to have an abortion.

Young women and teens are capable of deciding if they want a child or not, especially when they are in a process of correcting a mistake they made.

Abortion is a sin, is also the antagonizing element on these television shows. Once the young woman attempts to get an abortion, there always seems to be a mob of self righteous protesters. These people, both young and old, for some reason never have anything meaningful to accomplish with their time but shame the pregnant teenager into dreading her decision.

The headlining of abortion to be seen as more than it really is on television shows, no doubt would affect the viewers of these content, both teenagers and adults. The unrealistic sensationalizing of the process of getting an abortion by TV shows, through the lens of religion has become glaringly obvious.

Guilt tripping viewers of these shows, into including their religion when making the life choice of abortion, sometimes is uncalled for. The reality is that for so many people, religion has little or no part to play when they choose to have an abortion.

Film can be a reflection of society, but in as much as stories must be told, so also objectivity should be fostered in Hollywood.

The nature of abortion as a serious life changing decision should definitely be represented on television, but also, there should be a balance, because not everyone regrets having an abortion.

Having an abortion has also been a positive event to so many young women, and that choice alone has brought transformation to the course of their lives. Not every woman is sad when having an abortion, some are genuinely happy and free, especially because they are lucky enough to have the healthcare system for that.

A lot of women across the world, especially in developing countries are desperately searching for health centres where they can comfortably and safely get an abortion. These stories should be told on television shows too. The idea that an abortion clinic is a place of sorrow and bad decisions needs to change on television.

Abortion can be a thing of joy and freedom. It can be a life-changing opportunity for women to grow and confidently take control of their precious futures. It can be a happy event, filled with good decisions that bring forth a better life.

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Confused soul. I’m all about everything progressive. Reach out — stephenfresh150@gmail.com