3 Emerging Sports Nutrition Trends Will Impact Your Marketing Efforts

Watson Inc.
Watson Inc.
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2017

Once just for elite athletes and bodybuilders, sports nutrition products are now sought by people from all walks of life who are dedicated to pursuing healthier lifestyles. The mainstream consumer has become an important driver in the industry, transforming sports nutrition into nutrition for an active lifestyle. This transformation means that food and beverage manufacturers are changing how they approach product development and marketing as they shift their focus away from elite athletes to a more mainstream consumer audience.

According to industry analysis group Euromonitor International, the sports nutrition market grew by 12% from 2015–2016. If manufacturers hope to leverage this growing market, they need to take note of the trends in the space. While bodybuilders and other elite athletes still make up the core of the sports nutrition market, according to the Nutrition Business Journal, they only account for about 5 percent of sales in the industry. “Active lifestyle” consumers are now a significant factor driving revenue growth for sports supplements. This increase offers a significant revenue growth opportunity for companies that expand their products to include offerings that appeal to these types of “everyday” consumers as opposed to strictly elite athletes.

The convergence of serious athletes and “lifestyle consumers” can be seen in the “real food” trend in the sports nutrition market. According to Innova Market Insights, manufacturers are reaching this new market segment by offering sports nutrition products that taste better and are more accessible. Here are three emerging sports nutrition trends that you can leverage in your marketing efforts:

1. Mainstream consumers want to see easy-to-understand research. Savvy consumers want to know what is in their supplements. They want to know that the ingredients have been the subject of solid research and clinical studies which prove they are safe and deliver results.

2. Mainstream consumers look for convenience and alternative delivery methods. Consumers want products that give them options for how they’ll consume their supplements. Offering a range of delivery forms, including pills, liquids, powders, and fortified foods, will help to strengthen product adoption rates, continued use, and customer loyalty.

3. Mainstream consumers are attracted to clear messages and clean labels. The increase in mainstream consumer awareness is a major growth opportunity for companies to expand their sports nutrition offerings. Today’s mainstream consumers are health-conscious and are more aware than ever before of the potentially negative effects chemicals and preservatives. Manufacturers who make transparency a priority during the manufacturing process and on their labels.

As the sports nutrition market experiences rapid growth due to mainstream consumers’ heightened interest in healthy living, product manufacturers must continue to evolve in order to keep pace. Whether you’re interested in improving an existing offering or developing something new, Watson can help ensure that all your products are optimized to meet the needs of your target consumers. To learn more, watch our video on choosing a Custom Nutrient Premixes supplier.

Originally published at blog.watson-inc.com.



Watson Inc.
Watson Inc.

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