The Importance of Education Insurance

Ciara Rafter
Watson Laurie Ltd
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2016

What you need to know before a school trip

We’ll never forget our school days. We grow up in education, from the young age of 4 or 5 up until 18, or even longer if we choose to continue onto university, so it is natural to have dozens of memories, both good and bad, of our two whole decades of school life.

The average day of school is not something everyone particularly enjoys 100% of the time; we all become irritated, tired and fed up from time to time. But it wasn’t all torturous Maths lessons and early morning P.E sessions; let’s remember that some of the best memories of our lives happened in school. Whether they happened in primary school, high school, college or university, it doesn’t really make a difference — a good memory is a good memory.

My favourite parts of the school year were the highly anticipated school trips. From adventure parks, zoos, and theme parks, the great thing about ‘educational trips’ was that they were not actually educational. Instead, they were a time to bond with friends with more freedom than usual. We could talk as loud as we pleased, and give our friends our full attention, rather than whispering, sniggering and writing notes at the back of the class. What’s more is that school uniforms were not compulsory. What a time to be alive.

Despite the excitement of each and every pupil when a school trip was announced unexpectedly in the usual boring weekly assembly, these trips were never and still aren’t as simple for teachers as they are for pupils. In fact, they are quite the opposite; school trips require a large amount of planning, organising and set of reliable teachers. Without these three important factors, a school trip may as well not be spoken of, because the chances of problems arising will increase.

There is always the possibility of a school trip being cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, which is the one thing the school does not want to happen, especially after raising the spirits of every pupil in the school. Not only is such an occurrence upsetting for the pupils, but it is for the teachers as well; despite the organising of the trip, teachers need a break too. As well as this and more importantly, if a trip is cancelled last minute, the school must then refund every parent and may even have to cover the costs and fees of the trip, causing problems for the actual school and affecting everyone involved with the school.

For this reason, education insurance should be an absolute must for every school. Insurance companies who specialise in the educational sector have policies which cover all the potential problems that could occur on or before a school trip, from property damage, minibus insurance, to school trips cover, medical malpractice extensions and more.

To prevent unfortunate events such as the above, educational insurance should be in place before taking the time to plan the trip of your pupils’ lifetimes. At Watson Laurie, we tailor our policies specifically around your school and trip to make sure each and the insurance policy we put in place will ease your mind and benefit you efficiently.

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Ciara Rafter
Watson Laurie Ltd

Trying not to miss anything whilst also wanting to write everything, but definitely writing something.