That’s Life — The Beautiful and the Profane

Lorie Driscoll
Wave Hi to Life
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2019


When sunsets and ice cold tasty treats are just enough to help us keep on keeping on

Image from Pixabay user Maklay62

That’s Life.

The weekend started well.

Payday. Grocery shopping after work Friday night. One of those half-carts, full of food.

Actual food.

I did a pretty good job of gathering up edible things versus prepackaged stuff. Organic romaine so beautiful it deserves its own glamour shot:

extreme close up of leafy green romaine lettuce
beautiful leafy green romaine lettuce, photo by me

Tomatoes, bananas, veggie burgers, veggie crumbles for chili. Kidney beans, frozen veggies and onions for making easy soup with veggie bouillon cubes.

A beautiful haul of stuff, placed in the fridge and on the counter. The weekend was before me.

And guess what? I actually made chili. I actually made soup.

I was feeling pretty good about myself. Knocking out a couple of wins.

Even though quantity-wise, this little food prep frenzy only accounted for maybe six meals, it was progress.



Lorie Driscoll
Wave Hi to Life

ISFJ. Public radio listener. Introverted chatterbox. Find me at