The Ordinary Love of Boo Boo Kitty and Planty Plant

Lorie Driscoll
Wave Hi to Life
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2019


A warm day in February, and I was at Lowe’s

Thanks to CITYEDV on Pixabay for the image

A warm day in February, and I was at Lowe’s. Got me a spiffy new welcome mat for Spring, rolled it up and plopped it into my cart.

I wheeled around to the garden area, looking for a house plant. Looking for just the one that suited me. Not ones with a fuzzy/furry feel.

Even I could mock myself. Goldilocks looking for the just-right plant.

I mean, I could *have* a plant now.

My cat had died the year before, so I didn’t have to worry about getting a cactus, or any kind of plant. My cat, let’s call her Boo Boo Kitty, had died at the ripe old age of 18 a few months before.

No, it was nearly a year and a half before that day at Lowe’s.

The succulents drew my eye, as always. Beautiful in that southwest way I’ve always admired. I hadn’t been able to have a cactus since 2002.

The last time I had a cactus, I picked up some soil and transplanted the little fella into a nice, heavy pot. Put it up on the breakfast bar, away from the curious paws of my cat.

So she wouldn’t get her paws pricked, right?

But no. Boo Boo Kitty wasn’t the one to be kept safe. It was the cactus that needed to be guarded…



Lorie Driscoll
Wave Hi to Life

ISFJ. Public radio listener. Introverted chatterbox. Find me at