FishMyCustomer — Making user testing easy

Sasha Ram
Published in
1 min readJun 1, 2017

Last week we launched the first version of our FishMyCustomer platform.

Why did we want to do this?

One fine day, we were working on a few product ideas of our own and we wanted to talk to customers. Online solutions didn’t work for us because we wanted customers from the local demography. After quite a lot of searching, we came to the conclusion that a lot of startups would also be facing the same problem as us.

FishMyCustomer lets you find customers for your startup. You can recruit customers to validate your product ideas or to user test an existing application. The platform also provides you with the opportunity to increase your user base. Your interviews can be face-to-face, Skype or telephonic.

How much does it cost me?

The cost depends on the type of customers in need but we can assure you that it will not bite your hand and will be a cost saving measure for the future.

What’s Next?

Head onto and give us your email address. We ‘ll reach back to you at the earliest.

