How to be the best woman you can be — today and every day

Anja Lukić
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2023
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

On this special day, International Women’s Day, we want to share a WaveMakers perspective on how to be and continue being that wonderful and absolutely amazing woman you are! In case you sometimes forget it in this crazy busy life that we all live, here are a couple of tips on how to be the best version of yourself.

  1. Take care of yourself: Feeling good about yourself is connected to your well-being. Your physical and mental well-being are important to be mindful of. Take good care of yourself, get enough sleep, some exercise, nourish your body, take rest and try to keep a positive outlook on life. Take time for things that bring you joy in life and help you feel grounded and you know best what those are.
  2. Surround yourself with people who make you a better person: prioritize spending time with those who lift you up and support you. It is so important to choose wisely with whom you want to spend your precious time, do people give you energy or take energy away from you? Cultivate meaningful connections with those who matter the most to you.
  3. Focus on your strengths/superpowers: Focus on your strengths, and become aware of what things make you — YOU. If you have issues you can ask your friends for help to help you discover your superpowers — you have some for sure! When knowing about them you can become comfortable with knowing that you are good at those things and start using them confidently and become proud of them! You are amazing!
  4. Be strong and courageous: There is nothing in this world you can’t do, if you decide for something, work for it and don’t give up you can do miracles, and you do them every day, by simply being! There is nothing a strong and courageous woman can’t achieve! Be passionate, be courageous, be fierce!
  5. Learn from others: Instead of looking at others as your competitors look at them as your teachers. We can learn so much from every single person we meet in our lives, that is why we highly encourage you to look at people around you as your teachers instead of comparing them to yourself! Observe, ask, connect, learn and grow. We are here to encourage each other, not put each other down — one wave never comes alone.
  6. Self-love: Don’t forget to love yourself (first). Try some positive self-talk and become your own best friend, not your biggest enemy! Be gentle, kind and compassionate even when you make mistakes. You are just a human and it’s okay. Love yourself today and every day!
  7. Don’t take life too seriously: Make mistakes, laugh and don’t take yourself or life too seriously. There is no straight path to any of the goals, they all have bumps on the way. There are no highs without lows, and we should all embrace that not everything goes as planned all the time.
  8. Contribute to your community: Find ways to give back to your community and those around you. Even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference.

Last but not least, remember, being the best possible version of yourself is a journey, not a destination! Don’t expect yourself to be perfect, we are all humans and we are all learning. Be kind to yourself along the way, take rest and focus on making progress, one step at a time. You are worthy of love and respect exactly as you are, and you deserve to treat yourself with compassion and kindness.

Happy international women’s day! 🦋

