Global Chain to introduce blockchain in logistics

Waves Enterprise
Waves Enterprise
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2019

Alexander Ivanov, founder of Waves Platform, and Mark Garber, GHP Group’s Chairman of the Board, are launching a joint venture, Global Chain.

The new company will focus on implementation of blockchain-based solutions in logistics and other industries.

“Logistics is one of the most promising areas for adopting solutions based on blockchain technology,” says Alexander Ivanov. “Therefore, in the initial stages, the focus will be specifically on logistics solutions.”

The joint venture comes as a result of the two parties’ earlier work together. The acquisition of the Vostok brand transformed into a joint venture, and the Vostok brand remains in Waves’ ownership. Due to the rebranding of the Vostok blockchain platform into Waves Enterprise, the Vostok brand will not be used.

“Our collaboration has graduated to another level and requires a new approach: Alexander and I will focus on implementation of vertically-integrated projects within the framework of the Global Chain joint venture,” comments Mark Garber. “We anticipate synergy from our expertise in large-scale strategic projects and Alexander’s experience in blockchain technologies.”

Ivanov and Garber’s joint project will operate on Russian territory as Globalchain Ltd. and its main office will be based in Moscow. The two entrepreneurs will own equal shares in the company, and Ivanov will be its head.

Global Chain’s technological base will be the enterprise blockchain platform Waves Enterprise. All projects earlier launched on the Vostok platform will operate under that brand.

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