Boost Your Pool Rewards up to x5

WX Network
WX Network
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2023

Boosting is a mechanism that allows increasing the rewards for staking pool’s LP tokens. Stakers of a pool’s LP token can boost their tAPY rewards of the corresponding pool by voting for it with gWX on the WX Emission Distribution Voting.

The boosting is automatically activated immediately after the calculation of the results of the current WX Emission Distribution Voting.

During the proposal #1 voting, the following was agreed:

1. To tie the boosting coefficient to a user’s share of gWX used in voting for WX emission distribution.

2. To raise the maximum value of the boosting coefficient from 3 to 5 to increase gWX holders’ income.

With this release we are updating the following:

The amount of gWX for maximum boosting depends on the share of the staked LP token and on gWX share in a pool among stakers of LP token of this particular pool. The more the share of staked LP token is, the more gWX is needed for boost. The more gWX is given for a particular pool, the more gWX has to be given for WX emission voting into that pool to get maximum boosting.

The maximum possible value of the boosting coefficient is 5.00.

The following formulas will be applied for counting boosting rewards per block:

Maximum pool reward per block

maxPoolReward = releaseRate * poolWeight

Minimum reward for staking without a boost

minReward = releaseRateBase * poolWeight

Maximum boosting reward

poolRateBoost = releaseRateBoost * poolWeight

User share in the pool

userLpPart = userStakedLP / poolTotalStake

User’s gWX share in the voting

userGwxPart = userPoolGWX / poolStakeGwx

Minimum user’s reward for staking LP

userStakeReward = minReward * userLpPart

User’s boosting reward

userBoostReward = min(poolRateBoost * userGwxPart, (powerBoosting — 1) * userStakeReward)

User’s boosting in the pool

userPoolBoost = userRateBoost / userStakeRaward

User’s total rewards

userReward = userBoostReword + userStakeReward

User’s maximum rewards with boosting

userMaxReward = userStakeReword * powerBoosting

User’s current boosting

userBoost = userPoolBoost + 1

The amount of gWX needed for user for max boost

minGwxForMaxBoost = userLpPart * poolStakeGwx


releaseRate — current emission (38 WX)

powerBoosting — boosting coefficient (5)

releaseRateBase = releaseRate/powerBoosting

releaseRateBoost = releaseRate*(powerBoosting-1)/powerBoosting

poolWeight — pool’s weight from voting

poolTotalStake — total amount of staked LP tokens

poolStakeGwx — total amount of votes for the pool

userStakedLp — Total amount of user’s staked LP tokens

userPoolGwx — total amount of user’s votes for the pool

Vote with received gWX for WX emission into a pool to enjoy increased rewards for staking LP tokens in Liquidity Pools!



WX Network
WX Network

WX Network is an unmediated crypto management hub & liquidity platform.