Waves.Exchange reveals a revised roadmap

WX Network
WX Network
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2022

In this post, we’ll explain what has already been achieved and what changes have been made to our plans.

Today’s world changes very quickly, and the crypto space is evolving even more quickly. Therefore, it’s vital to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.

Since the publication of Waves.Exchange’s roadmap last year, substantial progress has been achieved, but, due to overall market conditions, some items of the roadmap have been revised. Now, we are glad to share the changes with you, also looking at some of the recent achievements.

In November 2021, Waves.Exchange ran an IDO for its native token, WX, which was hugely successful. All 50 mln WX tokens were sold within just 29 hours at a price of 1 USDN for 1 WX. As soon as the sale was over, WX holders were able to lock their tokens for a fixed period in exchange for a range of advantages, including the reward vAPY on liquidity provided to Waves.Exchange pools.

In fact, the pools, which were launched simultaneously, have since become a major investment product for Waves.Exchange users.

As planned earlier, in Q1 2022, the process of scaling the exchange’s governance system began with the introduction of voting for tokens’ status.

That was a major step towards improving the ecosystem’s governance system, as it enabled the Waves.Exchange community to influence the development of the platform by voting with gWX.

In subsequent months, the governance functionality continued to be expanded, and, by early July, Waves.Exchange allowed users to govern a token’s entire development cycle, from its creation with a couple of clicks to a proper pool featuring that token.

On top of the ability to vote for a token’s verification, users got a chance of creating a pool with verified tokens and putting it to vote for participation in WX emission distribution.

Another major update that the exchange saw in Q1 2022 was a switch to percentage fees in spot trading — a move contributing to the ecosystem’s sustainability and financial stability. Also, more than 20 new tokens were added and became available for trading.

In Q2, the Waves.Exchange mobile app saw a major upgrade of its trading interface, which made the tool yet more convenient and user-friendly.

The earlier announced integration of gWX into other investment products is still in progress. At the moment, gWX can be used to boost incomes from liquidity pools.

Meanwhile, the launch of an NFT marketplace has been postponed indefinitely as the priority has been given to the development of other tools and functionalities.

Moving forward, the exchange’s plans feature many improvements and additional features.

In the third quarter of this year, an opportunity for users to log in with MetaMask will be added.

A referral program was launched, bringing in new users and benefiting existing community members.

At the same time, the governance functionality will be further expanded, allowing users to put any issue to vote.

In addition, Q3 2022 will see the introduction of Launchpad — functionality for launching new projects.

The introduction of derivatives trading is expected, as planned, in the final quarter of 2022. By the way, in the same quarter, Waves.Exchange will undergo major rebranding, the details of which will be revealed a little bit later.

Another major improvement to look forward to in Q4 is the unification of our mobile apps, Waves.Exchange and WX Invest, into one, improving user experience even further. In the new app, users will conveniently access both trading and investment functionalities.

The launch of decentralized gateways as an external blockchain-agnostic service for cross-chain communication will be postponed slightly — from Q4 2022 to Q1 2023. But a dedicated team is currently working hard on building that functionality.

Also in the first quarter of 2023, we expect to launch stop-loss and take-profit orders.

Stay tuned for more news and updates!



WX Network
WX Network

WX Network is an unmediated crypto management hub & liquidity platform.