A community call with Sasha Ivanov

Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2021

This post features the main takeaways from the community call, during which the Waves ecosystem’s short-term plans and longer-term strategy were revealed.

On Dec. 23, Waves founder Sasha Ivanov did a community call, discussing the Waves ecosystem’s future plans. During the livestream, he also burned 1 mln WX tokens owned by the Waves.Exchange team, which were previously locked. This comes as a holiday present to providers of liquidity to Waves.Exchange pools, as the burning of the tokens will send the pools’ APYs skyward.

And here come the main takeaways from the community call.

The Waves ecosystem

  • Waves will focus heavily on turning into a full-fledged international company.
  • In that vein, Waves is stepping up its presence in the United States. A U.S. company has been launched, and the main operations will be run out of the U.S.
  • For January-February 2022, a major marketing campaign is planned.
  • In 2022, a new network, Waves 2.0 will be launched, which will be connected to the Waves blockchain by a bridge. The main goal will be to solve the scalability issue. More details will be available in the Waves 2.0 whitepaper.
  • Special attention will be paid to fostering development activity on Waves. Currently, negotiations with VCs are in progress on an investment fund for projects building on Waves. Also, an incubator will be launched for U.S.-based developers, and hackathons will be run.
  • There will be no rebranding for Waves, as it’s a strong brand that doesn’t need rebranding. However, some products in the Waves ecosystem could be rebranded.


  • A new fee structure for trading operations will be introduced. Trading fees will go up, and the size of fees will depend upon an order’s value: the higher the value, the higher the fee.
  • Many new trading tools will be added, such as derivatives and decentralized futures.
  • About 20 new coins will be listed to give traders more options.
  • More steps towards complete decentralization will be made, such as the launch of fully trustless gateways. Although Waves.Exchange offers quite a high degree of decentralization, currently, the gateways are custodial.
  • Negotiations are in progress with a major gaming company to run an IDO on Waves.Exchange in early 2022.
  • More IDOs will follow, which will be open for participation to users who have locked their WX tokens
  • Before the year’s end, users will get an opportunity to deposit just one of the pool assets to Waves.Exchange pools.
  • The goals is $10 bln in TVL in Waves.Exchange pools
  • There will be a ban on locking / burning WX tokens held by the Waves.Exchange team for a year.


  • Getting USDN listed on Binance is a difficult task, as this stablecoin creates extra competition.
  • NSBT-based governance will evolve, enabling NSBT holders to make major decisions.
  • All major updates related to NSBT will begin to be implemented in January-February 2022
  • Swops of Neutrino assets into WAVES will be governed through NSBT votes.
  • Everything related to the Neutrino protocol will be governed through NSBT.
  • USDN, Neutrino’s flagship stablecoin, will remain one of the pillars of the Waves ecosystem. Overall, algorithmic stablecoins are the future.
  • Synth assets will be added to the Neutrino protocol.

Меta DAO

  • The Meta DAO will be launched to govern the Waves ecosystem. Details will be available shortly.
  • DAO-based governance will be available for many metaverses.


  • WCT token will be revitalized.
  • In 2022, new utility for WCT will arrive.
  • The Waves Association will be fully decentralized.

Waves Ducks / gaming

  • A new game, MetaRace, was launched as part of the Waves Ducks metaverse. More games will follow, as gaming is a very promising area.
  • The Waves Ducks game will expand to other blockchains.
  • The Waves Ducks metaverse will further evolve, it will be governed through the Meta DAO.

You can watch a video of the entire stream here. The presentation can be viewed here.

Happy Holidays, and stay tuned for more news and updates in the new year!



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.