Announcing The First-Ever Augmented Reality Play-2-Earn Game: Waves Ducks Hunt

Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2022

Waves Ducks are going global! Coming to a street near you with a new AR game. Waves Ducks Hunt brings additional value to Waves Ducks veterans, and adds a new way of introducing the masses to the game.

The game will be launched on 20th June 9AM EST — in a one-of-a-kind event at NFT NYC and globally.

The Waves Ducks team is proud to present a completely new play2earn game mode for the Waves Ducks Metaverse:


Drawing inspiration from mobile gaming hits that take you to the streets, we want everyone’s experience to be as rewarding as possible. Existing Waves Ducks NFT owners will be the first to get FULL access to this new game mode, while new users will have limited access to the game but will still be able to take part each day.

Here’s how it will work:

It’s really simple, you will:

  1. Open the Waves Ducks Hunt site
  2. Login with your Waves Wallet to open the Map
  3. Your duck will lay golden eggs all around you on the Map
  4. Hunt down as many eggs as you can within the time
  5. Each egg has useful and valuable rewards inside

You’ll be able to take your phone and venture into the world collecting rewards that will be useful and valuable within the Waves Ducks metaverse of games and playing modes.

By owning a Waves Ducks NFT, you’ll get full access to hunt down as many rewards as you can every day. If you haven’t got a Waves Ducks NFT, you’ll still be able to hunt down rewards but there will be a daily limit on what you can collect and claim.

For NFT holders, Waves Ducks Hunt allows you to squeeze even more value out of your NFTs. Choose an NFT duck to play, it will lay golden eggs in a 15km radius around you. The higher the rarity of a chosen duck, the more golden eggs per day you will get.

Once you spot an egg’s location, go there, aim your phone’s camera and crack it open. For rewards, you could find entirely new NFTs, crypto-tokens, or Waves Ducks Metaverse items, and more. By the way, each egg has a timer, you’ll need to get to it before it runs out!

What you need to get started:

  • Waves Ducks account
  • An NFT duck of any rarity (not required for the promo mode)
  • A mobile phone with a camera
  • The spirit of adventure

What if I see another player’s egg and get there first?

Rivalry is among the cornerstones of the Waves Ducks Metaverse, so you absolutely can snatch other players’ eggs. But there is a catch! First of all, doing so is not free, you’d have to pay a small fee. And another thing is that you have a chance to fail and not get anything at all. So, if you’re willing to take that risk, go for it!

I can’t wait to start hunting. How can I join?

Waves Ducks Hunt will be available for everyone starting June 20th 9AM EST.

The game will feature a promo mode for those who don’t have any duck NFTs yet. In this mode, anyone will be able to open 7 golden eggs, 1 egg per day, absolutely free and get their feathers on the game’s precious rewards!

To continue playing after that, you will need an actual Waves Ducks NFT duck, which you can hatch in the incubator for EGG, or purchase one at the marketplace.

One-of-a-kind Launch mode at NFT NYC

Waves Ducks Hunt will be officially launching in beta at NFT.NYC on the 20th — 24th of June.

For all players in New York, a very special Launch mode will be enabled! This may never happen again.

For Duck Hunters in New York — there will be 500 Golden Eggs hidden all around Manhattan at Waves satellite events.

Every single egg will have a Waves Ducks NFT inside!

But that is not all: Waves Ducks has commissioned a one-of-a-kind Waves Ducks NFT from an AR artist Zoe Winters especially for this launch mode. The only place you’ll be able to find that duck is in the game during NFT.NYC!

If you’re in NYC next week, look out for our Ducks hidden around Waves events at NFT NYC. You might find a QR code that will give you special access to this launch mode.

The rules:

  • There will be 500 eggs placed around Waves Satellite Events
  • Each hunter can collect 3 eggs per day, from 21st — 24th June
  • Every egg will have a Waves Ducks NFT inside
  • But every hunter can see all the same eggs! Once they’re gone, it’s game over!

Waves Ducks will be hosting and participating in:

  • NFTSEA in Seaport — 20th of June — Register here
  • The official launch event for Waves Duck Hunt in Lower Manhattan — 22nd of June — Register here
  • The Launch event after party — 22nd of June — 9pm til late, register here

If you’re a NYC local and want to help the Waves team launch this game to the masses during NFT NYC, we’re recruiting helpers click here to find out more.

Stay tuned for more updates by following us on Twitter!



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.