DIP-3: ducks are limited

Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2021

Ducks are valuable and unique NFTs. This proposal aims at increasing the uniqueness of each character in the game, broadening ducks’ functionality and limiting reproduction of each gene.

As the Waves Ducks game chugs along, more and more new-generation ducks arrive. But users shouldn’t forget that each duck is a valuable and unique NFT. This Duck Improvement Proposal is supposed to increase the value of 7,400 characters currently in the game.

Genesis duck rotation

At the start of the game, two types of genesis ducks were available, Elon (gene A) and Satoshi (gene B), which were produced by the incubator with equal probability and were obtained by early players in large numbers.

Currently, 5 types of genesis ducks are available, with genes A, B, C, D and E, respectively. The probability of producing each of them in the incubator is 20%, meaning that an inflow of new genes to the game is slow and a chance of getting an Elon or Satoshi, which are least unique, is quite significant. This leads to negative perceptions about the game by players obtaining unwanted ducks. In addition, the value of genesis ducks is diluted as time passes.

This proposal stipulates limiting the number of genesis duck types available in the incubator at any given moment to 4: when a new type is added, the oldest type will be removed. In practice, this means that the addition of the next genesis duck (gene F) will lead to the removal of Elon and Satoshi (A and B), the oldest types. Subsequently, the arrival of gene G will result in removing Doge (gene C), keeping exactly 4 available types at any time.

This improvement will make each gene in the game limited, raising the value of genesis ducks. Players who breed ducks after the release of gene F won’t be able to obtain gene A or B in the incubator and will have to use an auction.

Ducks achievements

Each fact in a duck’s biography is very important. Was it among the very first ducks in the game? Or was it the first NFT containing 5 genes (indeed, someone was able to combine genes A,B,C,D and E in one duck!)? Or, which would be even more valuable, was it the very last Elon duck issued in the incubator before the removal of this type?

Facts of this kind will be added to a duck’s page to stress its uniqueness and increase its attractiveness for collectors. It isn’t ruled out that duck achievements will be used in further updates to facilitate “boost” functionality for ducks. As for now, duck achievements are supposed to be used to visualize an NFT’s value.

Duck rebirth

What to do with a duck that has already been used for breeding and is therefore sterile and isn’t suitable for a farm, either? This is a question often asked by players.

Therefore, a rebirth option is suggested that would be available to users willing to pay a fee in EGG. It will enable users to take a risk and, instead of a useless duck, obtain with a 50% probability one of the following prizes:

- a free duck from the incubator (one of the current genesis ducks or a jackpot duck),

- a free perch that will be automatically added to the farm,

- a special jackpot duck, Phoenix.

Phoenix is a duck with a fixed rarity of 100%. A user would have to be really lucky to get it! Thanks to its rarity, it will ensure a high farming APY.

This proposal aims to alleviate users’ concerns about the value of duck NFTs. Each character is unique! Genes become limited, the rebirth option is added, increasing the rarity of characters in the game. Moreover, ducks’ achievements will be added to their biographies.

Upon the activation of DIP-3, the project’s functionality will be comparable to that of collectible games, further increasing its audience and providing players with more options.

Remember to join the Duck Hunters chat and subscribe to the Waves protocol’s Twitter to stay up to date on rounds of distributing EGG tokens for the promotion of Web 3.0 the Waves ecosystem.



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.